My favourite book character ||Contest held by writing & Reviews community||My Entry

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago (edited)

Real hero according to me is not the one who is capable of doing everything in fiction but the one who knows how to maintain friendship and survives hardships of real life!
My favorite book of All times is The Kite Runner written by Khaled Hosseini.

Amir (favourite character )

The main character and also my favorite character in this book is Amir. Amir’s life is shown as a bumpy ride where he just wants to impress his dad and in this desire of impressing his dad and winning a kite competition he ignores and doesn’t help his dearest friend Hassan whom he had seen being raped. He lives in guilt and then due to very harsh condition set in Afghanistan by Soviet Union and Taliban , he moves to America with his father ,there he marries a girl but cannot become a father and then an old character asks him to rescue his friend’s son from Taliban in Afghanistan who is also a subject of sexual pleasure for his keepers as a dancing boy. He does everything he can to make up for his lost friendship and his friend’s son Sohrab he helps him and then takes him to America with him.
This character is my favorite because it relates to reality with no fiction and drama, in childhood all of us almost have this goal to achieve our parents attention and appreciation all the time that’s what he did. But doing unjust with his friend just because he was scared kills him till end and living with a guilty is such a punishment and we all at some point have done if not major then minor things in life that we keep regretting and wish we could go back and make that thing up again in a good way. Character of Amir does the same and tries to make up for his mistake to get comfort and protect his friend’s son the way his friends always protected him, he is unlucky that he cannot meet his friend again to say sorry for his actions but by saving his son he has done something to because of which he can find some peace in his life.Unlike fiction, there are characters in books who live a real life and face real emotions and problems and it leaves a mark on your mind and you stay there thinking about the story for weeks after you have finished it.
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