Flash Contest: Valentine's Day is coming, who will get a White Chocolate?

in Writing & Reviews2 years ago

6 days from Valentine!!🥳🥳🥳 and you can feel the air changing and love songs being played back to back on the radio.

Happy Valentine's day in advance to everyone @writingnreviews Though I feel everyday is a day to show love because one never knows how much time is left,for the sake of the contest I have two persons I'd be giving some chocolate to.

The First Person is My Mother....Sweet, Sweet Mum!!💞💞

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My Mum has been through a lot in her life,and if there's anyone who deserves to be truely happy and shown love on Valentine's day,she's the one.

What are the reasons for my love for my mum?

  • She's been solidly with me through all of my life's struggles and has never turned her back on me even when she's angry.

  • I love her because she's been an inspiration and model on what a mother should be to her children.

I just want to use the opportunity to tell her that I love her from the depths of my heart, and i absolutely admire her strength of character.

The Next Person I'll give a chocolate to is Myself!!!. Yesss!! Me.
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Yes I've gotten Valentine gifts before but I believe this one will be special reasons being that

  • I absolutely love chocolates, of any type.

  • A little self love never hurt anyone.

I've been through situations that would have broken lots of people but, I came out strong.

So I'll go buy some chocolates from the supermarket,with say a nice scenting perfume to go which I'll wrap in a gift bag and of course some red roses.....

I absolutely love red roses.

Then I'll put it on my front door step,ring the bell, enter my house from the back door and come answer the door bell. Of course with some amazed look I'll pick up the items and devour the chocolate.....My future self giving to the present me. 😂😂.

I love the 'me' I am, and the woman who's growing on my inside. I love and admire my strength of character. I absolutely love everything about myself even the flaws. I invite @jovita30 @godson456 and @ruthjoe to participate in this contest

Happy Valentine in advance once again.

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