Paranormal experiences. By @mukadas

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago (edited)


Footsteps aren’t an uncommon thing to hear when you’re sitting in the hall. So I think nothing of it when I heard quiet thuds coming toward the hall. I just assumed it’s my brother and continue whatever pointless thing I was doing at that time. They went on for another couple of minutes, and I’m starting to get pissed off. They keep getting louder and louder and that makes me wonder what my brother was doing at that late hour. As I sat there, it was impossible to focus, because it sounds like someone’s power walking all over the hall.

I sat there and listen to the thumps getting faster and wider. They keep moving, almost starting to form a rhythm. They moved even faster and get even wilder. I realized whatever that was it can’t be human. No human can move in that manner.

I yelled and all the noise stopped and everything became quiet for some time. Later I heard calm and slow footsteps heading towards the hall’s door. The door was pushed opened and the footsteps stopped. I listened to my breathing, and sigh, this all this was over with. Suddenly I felt someone was behind me and I knocked my chair over in my haste to stand up. I ran into the closet and slam the door shut.

There was a sudden pause to the rhythm and it started over and over again. There was no pause and no rest. It continued for some minutes and I found my self tapping my finger along with the rhythm. But just as it began, it ended. I waited for a few minutes and came out and there was nothing. I turned on the light and it was safe. I relaxed and think for some time and then I noticed my feet tapping. Maybe this song wasn’t bad, I enjoyed to dance with to it so I dropped my hands and feet and started.

But all this was due to the horrors movies I watch even though I still enjoy watching them. But this only happens some years back when I was only 15 after watching a horror movie.

Thanks for reading my post


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