⭐⭐ Contest: Write your own play

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

The name of my play is tilted Priority

Stay tuned and read. I hope you enjoy it.

This short play is about two best friends Kendra and Monique who went to school together right from childhood though they came from two different worlds of life i.e the rich and poor worlds of life. Kendra came from a wealthy family, she had anything and everything at the top of her finger. She was treated like a queen and was treated like an egg. She was beautiful and intelligent but to be compared to that of Monique. But she lost her father at childbirth.

Monique's case was the other way round but one thing spectacular about her was that she was brilliant and intelligent, so so intelligent. She took her studies serious and set her priorities right, she was contented with what she had.

Now let's see the story:

Act 1 scene 1

(In Kendra's house, her mom Mrs Williams was outside discussing while Kendra was inside doing some chores.) Monique walks in. They had just finished their junior secondary school examinations.

Monique: Good evening ma
Mrs Williams: Yes good evening my dear. How are you doing?
Monique: I'm very well thank you and you?
Mrs williams:We're fine. I hope your parents are doing well?
Monique: Yes everyone is fine. Please ma I'm here to see Kendra my friend. Is she around?
Mrs Williams: Yes my dear, she's in the kitchen. Go inside and meet her.
Monique: Okay. Thank you

(Monique walks into the kitchen and meets Kendra)
Monique: Kendraaaaaa
Kendra: Who's there? (She turns and behold it's her friend Monique.) She screams and hugs her friend.
Monique: Wao... Someone is turning into a big girl. How are you my friend?
Kendra: I'm fine o, I don't need to ask you I can see you're fine. (They both laugh aloud) So what can I offer you?
Monique: Don't worry, I'm fine. Guess what?
Kendra: What is it? Tell me already o
Monique: The just concluded junior secondary school examinations results are out and we both passed. (Kendra shouts in excitement and hugs Monique, while they laugh so hard and go outside to break the news to their parents.)
Mrs Williams: What is it o?
Kendra: Mom, I just passed my junior secondary school examinations.
Mrs Williams: Wao... Congratulations my darling. I knew you will make me proud. Your father is happy wherever he is now, may his soul rest in peace hmmm.
Kendra: Amen o. Don't worry mom, I'll make you proud.

Curtain falls

Act 1, Scene 2

(In school, during break time. Kendra and Monique walks together)
Kendra: I don't even know what the man was saying in class, I didn't understand anything.
Monique: Why would you understand when you were busy chatting with Felix on Facebook. I've been telling you to concentrate and leave all these small boys, they're bound to distract you.
Kendra: Monique I've told you that I know what I'm doing. Don't worry, I'll be careful.
(Kendra Phone rings, Felix calls)
Felix: Hello dear, can you come over the the building behind the canteen?
Kendra: Okay, I'm coming
Monique: Who was that? Felix? Kendra you just said you didn't understand what was taught today, let's go to the library, I'll explain it to you.
Monique: I really need see him, I'll meet you later okay? Bye....

Act 1, Scene 3

(Behind the building)
Felix: Baby I missed you
Kendra: I miss you too and I love you. Promise you will not break my heart
Felix: I've told you I love you so much. You know what? Come to my house this evening, my parents won't be around. Let's have time together.
Kendra: Okay. But I had already fixed a time to study with Monique my friend.
Felix: I thought you said you love me? You can always meet her some other time na
Kendra: Okay fine, I'll come. Immediately after school I will come before reaching home.

Act 2, Scene 1

(At Felix house)
Felix: Welcome my baby. I bought a really nice drink for us. Come on let's drink.
Kendra: Okay. It tastes nice and I want more
(Kendra drinks more and more till she gets drunk)
Felix: Babe are you okay?
Kendra: Yes. Kiss me
(Felix kisses Kendra and they made out)

Act 2, Scene 2

(Kendra wakes up after sleeping for about 4 hours)
Kendra: Where am I? What happened?
Felix: Oh! You're up? Nothing happened. We made love and it was amazing. I love you so much and thank you for loving me too
Kendra: What? Do you mean we just had sex? Oh my God! I'm finished.
(She picks her bag and run off)

Act 3, Scene 1

(After three weeks, Kendra suddenly becomes ill)
Monique: Kendra what is wrong with you? You're having hot temperature. You need to visit the chemist.
Kendra: I don't know what is wrong with me. I have been vomiting sleeping and dizzy.
Monique: I think it's malaria. After school, we'll go to the chemist for check-up okay? Don't worry, you'll be fine.

Curtain falls

(In the chemist)
Doctor: Welcome ladies, how may I help you?
Monique: My friend is having hot temperature and she's been vomiting too.
Doctor: Bring her in, I'll run some tests on her and we will take it from there.
(The doctor takes Kendra's blood, and run some test)
Doctor: The test result is out. Your friend is pregnant.
Kendra: What? Pregnant? How? Why? When? Where?
Monique: In shock, get up let's go. Thank you doctor.
(They both walk out)
Kendra: How can I be pregnant? Oh! I remember oo, Felix didn't use protection o. Oh my God! I am finished. My mom will kill me, she will disown me.
Monique: What? Kendra, you slept with Felix? How could you? Now see what has happened. This isn't right.
Kendra: Monique I'm finished. What will I do now? Chai Felix ooo. Infact, let me go and see him.
(She rushes and leaves)

Acts 3, Scene 2

(At Felix place) Kendra knocks the door
Kendra: Knock knock knock
No body answers, she keeps knocking yet no one answered. She wept bitterly and left.

Curtain falls

(At the chemist)
Kendra: Doctor please I want this baby out. I need an abortion. She kept crying profusely
Doctor: Okay come inside. But I must warn you, this isn't the right thing to do
Kendra: Doctor please go ahead. I don't care what happens.
Doctor: (Doctor commences the abortion.)
You're free now, you can go.

Act 4, Scene 1

(At Kendra's place, some weeks passed after the abortion)
Kendra: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. Kendra screams
Mrs Williams: What is it Kendra? Are you okay
(Blood spills all over the room)
What is this Kendra? What happened to you? Oh my God!
(Mrs Williams rushes Kendra to the hospital)

Curtain falls

Doctor: Mrs Williams, I'm sorry but I've got bad news
Mrs Williams: Doctor what is it? How is my daughter?
Doctor: I'm sorry we lost her. She had an abortion and that damaged her system.
Mrs Williams: (With great shock)
Kendra has killed me o

(Monique rushes in)
Monique: Ma, what is it? Is everything okay? Talk to me you're scaring me.
Mrs Williams: Kendra had an abortion and now she's dead o
Monique: Jesus! What? Abortion? Felix did this to her. I told her but she didn't listen to me. Now see the outcome.

Curtain falls

(Monique walking and soliloquizing)
Oh my God! So Kendra is gone?
I warned her but she didn't listen to me

If only she had set her priorities right and concentrated with her studies this wouldn't have happened. Now, she has missed the opportunity of going to school and becoming a better person to herself and to the society at large.

Setting our priorities right is what should matter to we the youths. Pleasure and gold won't pay rather hardwork and consistency will do.

Oh dear Kendra, I will forever miss you
May your soul rest in peace.

That is my short play


Thank you

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