FLASH CONTEST: Questions and Answers by @luckydrums | 30% payout to @writingnreviews

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago (edited)


Good day lovely steemians, my name is Lucky and I am glad to participate in this wonderful contest. I'll be sharing some information about myself based on some questions and I hope you learn something new about me. Please feel free to comment and telll me what you like about me.


1-How would you define yourself in three words?

Like I wrote on my profile,I'll define myself in three words as ; empathic , cultured and reasonable.

2-What do you like to write about?

I like to write about my experiences, the good, bad and funny times, I like to recreate those experiences into what I wish had happened or into funny scenerios so as to make people laugh and be happy


3-What is your main source of inspiration?

my main source of inspiration is people and good writings, when ever I read and see how wonderfully articulated some books are, the message they pass and their positive effect on the readers, I just get inspired to do the same , to try to change the world and put smiles on faces through my writing.


4-What do you like most about Steemit?

sincerely what I like about steemit is the fact that I earn from doing something I love which is expressing my thoughts in writing. and I like the fact that it makes me research and develope myself every day.

5-Has someone stolen your heart on Steemit in terms of friendship?

yes my heart was stolen by this lady @stepsbyelven after I read her beautiful posts, they were nicely written and I immediately decided that I would be her friend


6- How do you manage to overcome the barriers?

We luckily met again in one of the community's social media group , we started chatting privately and sharing knowledge with each other. we also visit each other's blog regularly to learn from each other


7-What is your worst fear / phobia?

I'm really not a very fearful person but over the years I have found that I am NECROPHOBIC, that is I have fear for dead bodies or things related to death like coffin etc. I really can't stand them.


8-What is that food that is irresistible to you?

I like foods generally but I find spagetti(pasta) irresistible, even if I am not hungry, I would still want to have some. I can eat it in the morning, afternoon and night. it's just so delicious


9-Any song you love?

I love the song "heal the world" by Micheal Jackson . my dad always played the song when I was little, I fell in love with the song and it's touching lyrics.

10- How do you project yourself in 3 years?

In three years time, I think I should be financially stable and also very knowledgeable, I see myself organizing contests here in steemit and also giving success tips to young steemians and other people in the community.

Special thanks to @writingnreview community for this conteset. I am inviting @zekea, @stepsbyelven, @sokabomb and @sammypoet to participate in this contest , and to support the wonderful works of this community, I will be giving 30% of the payout of this post to this community @writingnreviews

 3 years ago 

Thank you for participating in our contest section. We are happy that you join our initiatives and share a little more about yourself with us. We appreciate your commitment to this community!

Together we will reach for the stars!

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