in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

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The act of communication is, sharing ideas, thoughts, and opinions with a person or people, verbally (either face to face or through communicative device e.g cellphone), sign language etc.

In a relationship, effective communication is required to increase the success of that relationship or even marriage. Today, a lot of couples have fallen short of effective communication, some started effectively and along the line things changed.
And when proper communication is missing between a couple, loneliness and distrust begin to set in, and if not properly handed or sorted out in time, could lead to the downfall of that relationship.

I've had a fair share of this matter, I once had a relationship, that started out really smoothly, and I felt she was my soulmate and my missing piece, we were inseparable and shared almost everything together including chats on our daily routine and much more, but as time went, after an argument, she began to give me silent treatment, and though I apologized for each time faulty or not, she later began to keep most things to herself, each time I tried to talk things through with her, it always ended in another quarrel or more argument, and she would complain I don't understand her, and though I tried my best and always tell her I can only understand her better if she communicates to me how she feels, but she never did, and before long we broke up.

I even figured out this same kind of issue from another couple I know, then I came to a conclusion, that expecting your partner to be a mind reader in order to understand you better, will only make things worse, you need to properly communicate to your partner, so they know how best to work with you, as a saying goes "Two cannot work together, or else they agree".

Communication is the fuel that keeps a relationship burning, without it the relationship goes cold.

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