in Writing & Reviews3 years ago (edited)

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The most inspiring book title I have come across is one written by Peter Buffett, son of the famed investor, Warren Buffett; its title was simple, "Life Is What You Make It". The words are true as they are timeless and forever inspiring.

For the 19 years I have spent on planet Earth, I have grown to observe and learn a lot of things. By the year 2018, specifically September to October 2018, I had an explosive growth in my personal development. I came across the likes of Robert Kiyosaki when I read the book, "Rich Dad's Cashflow Quadrant". This simple book revolutionized my way of thinking forever.

After that coincidental period and tipping point of my life, I have gone down the path of studying personal development, finance, spirituality, business, and so much more about life. I am so happy about how my life have turned out so far. I never knew that things would become the way that they are.

However, moving into the year 2022, I intend on taking massive steps in the direction of my goals. I am going yo be making massive actions based on all the knowledge I have gained and amassed over the few years. I am a big believer in the fact that knowledge is not power; the application of knowledge is power.

It is time to become powerful.

Inspired by this new found knowledge I have acquired about life in general, here are the top 5 things I plan on doing in the year 2022.



The topic of love is a really deep and big one for everyone, especially for me. I have been so scared of love for a very long time. Growing up, I have deprived myself of having feelings to anyone. I have, rather, thrown myself into my work and given no chance to really let my heart love ad be loved

Maybe this stems from a fundamentally deeper problem. I am one of those weird people who have been scared by bad personal experiences as well as how social media has made it appear that it is really difficult to find true love out there. Often, I also feel like I am undeserving of love. Yea, you've probably heard of stories of people who feel they are undeserving of love and happiness; people who just want to forget all about their bad days and just be okay; those who have fallen into moments of heartbreak and the aftereffect, depression? I am ne of such sad love stories.

"We are not defined by our past experience.", so they say. It is very difficult to get the past out of your mid and forget all about the bad days and just be okay; it's difficult to move on from all the pain of the past and to just heal from the scars of the past.

I let my 2021 to be held down by those past experiences; I let my mind and heart bleed day in, day out by replaying moments of euphoria with those who I once loved and hoped for a happy ever after. I wallowed in pain and suffering from those bad moments and bad days.

But I've chosen to forget those bad days and let my heart love again.

I have learnt to love again, to be happy again, to cherish the touch of someone once again. In 2022, I am going to do what I have not done in a along time; I am going to let go of the past and love again.

How am I going to do that?

I am going to ask a girl I have grown to know so well and, yes, I have grown to love so much.

Her name is Ana and she is simply the most amazing person I have met. We attend the same classes together and being with her has taught me a lot. I feel reinvigorated again; I feel the desire to go after my goals again and become whole again.

Time spent with her are simply amazing and really nice.

So yes, I am going to take my shot at love again.



So I've actually known about forex for a really long time. My first exposure to forex was about 2015. Back then, my dad started learning to trade forex. I never knew what he was doing back then. All I saw were lines and indicators all over the place. His screen would flash out green and red lights that made literally no sense to me. I was in high school back then so I just focused on school.

Fast forward to 2018. I had just finished high school and was preparing to enter uni. By now I was beginning to take the whole forex thing seriously. So I just hoped on Metatrader 4, opened a demo account, placed a bunch of indicators on my screen and clicked away. I was actually making money then on the demo account and felt like this whole trading thing was easy.

I then opened a mini account and blew all the money away🤣. I was quite surprised about how things went. It felt so different. So I went back to the demo account.

Fast forward to 2019, I was still on a demo account, moving from one strategy to another and making mistakes along the way.

In 2020, the lockdown happened and I had a lot of time to put into forex. I practiced a lot and thought I was ready. This time, I borrowed money from friends and blew like 40% of the account in days.🤣🤣🤣 I then closed the partnership with my friends and went back to re-strategise. That took place throughout my 2020.

In 2021, I focused on my academics because I am a medical student and was writing my professional exams. After my exams were over and I passed (thank God), I returned to the charts. However, after a while, I just decided to stop, pay a professional and just learn from someone rather than trying to do it on my own.

So that's the plan for 2022. After I sign up for the mentorship course and learn from them, I'll just start up a live account and zoom off💫💫💫.

I am optimistic about this.

Lesson guys: If you want to learn skill, look for a person who knows that skill and ask the person to teach you; pay if you must.
It saves you a lot of time and energy.



So I was introduced to a network marketing firm called La Buena Vida sometime this December. You guys may have heard of it.

I've been reading a lot about network marketing and watching some videos about network marketing. I'm currently reading the book "My First Year In Network Marketing" by Mark Yarnell. It's is a really inspiring book and it shows you a lot about the possibilities that comes with network marketing as well as the kind of freedom and life that it could bring to you if you really put in the hard work. I am really excited about this new venture.

Normally, I am really risk averse and always scared about taking chances and seizing opportunities. I want to put am end to that fear and face it head on. I want to take more risks now that I am young. I want to try out new things and really put myself out there. Yea, it may work and it may not. Hell with the fears of that. I'm going all in this year!!!

Network marketing is going to be the beginning of so much more risks I'll be taking in 2022.



Cryptopunk NFT

Yea, yea, yea!!!
NFTs are clearly the biggest craze right now in the crypto space. I'm seeing people doing really insane things in the NFT space and I want a big piece of action too.

So what did I do?

I joined literally every single Instagram handle I could on NFTs. I also downloaded as many YouTube videos as possible to learn all I could about NFTs.

With all this, I have actually gained a good knowledge about NFTs so far. I have gotten to at least know the basics to some extent.

The issue right now is getting some Ethereum to start up my NFT adventure. I don't have ETH and I feel really bad about that. I know some ways to invest in NFTs but I don't have ETH for anything. This is really depressing.

Anyways, if I can get some ETH, I would begin to journey into the space of NFTs and do as much as I can.

If you really want to support my dreams of joining the NFT space, here is my ETH address. No amount of ETH is too small to support my dreams. Thank you. I would really assist the help from anyone out there reading and wants to support me here.





So this one is like a major deal for me. This is probably the most exciting venture I have ever thought of in a while. I've actually been incubating this idea in my mind for a while. If I can be able to pull this one off, it'll be a big deal for me and a major achievement for me. However, it's a long-term venture and I am not in a hurry to do this one.

For one thing, the capital is not there at all. I plan to pull capital from other business ideas (like forex) to startup my ecommerce store.

So, basically, the store is simply a marketplace where people can sell and buy literally anything they want on campus. I got this idea from Alibaba who holds no inventory but serves as a marketplace for a large pool of people.

There are a lot of small business owners and students who sell their things via media outlets like WhatsApp. I feel like the idea of a marketplace for students would be amazing and extremely innovative. The plan is that there will be well organised, purchasing and delivery processes. Also, the idea could even create job opportunities for students; some could serve as delivery personnel.

This idea is a really long shot but it's one I'm looking forward to.



So that's what I want to do in the year 2022. I've spent so much time just learning, watching, reading and so on. Now is the time to put in all that knowledge to action.

I've read on and studied relationships and human behaviour, now, im going to take my shot at love again

I've read on ecommerce and business models, now is the time for connecting the campus online in a wonderful marketplace.

I've been on the charts for years, building my knowledge-base on market strategies and psychology; now is the time to pit some money on the line.

I've been reading on business, on companies, on building networks and connecting with people; now is the time to actually build those networks and watch them grow into long-lasting friendships.

I've been learning about cryptocurrencies and bulls and bears in this extremely volatile space; now is time for actually becoming part of the ever growing volatility.

2022 is my year of risk taking and massive action. What about you? What does it hold for you?

I call on @emmanuel-malume, @sandrakez and @alphafx to join this contest.

I really enjoyed sharing my dreams and plans with this community. It helped me reinforced them and see to it that I see them through till the end.

Thank you so much for this amazing challenge.💥

 3 years ago 

Hi @kingmyke, thank you for telling us about your plans and participating. I hope I can catch up with you this next year.

I invite you to carry out your verification process and read the community regulations.

It has entry Number 16 to the weekly contest: WHAT ARE THE 5 THINGS YOU PLAN TO DO IN 2022?

Please how can I become a community member? Cn you send me a post showing how I can be a community member? How can I take the verification process?

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