in Writing & Reviews4 years ago

2020 was a year of surprises, incidents we never believed would happen because no one steps into a new year without being hopeful of a new beginning and better days but 2020 was different. As we will say in Igbo 'O afo Ojo(a bad year). The outbreak of the pandemic and the loss of millions of life coupled with the lockdown that crippled the world and seperated people apart, it was all gloom and doom. However despite the deadly storm 2020 has taught me very valuable lessons and I will emphasize on the three that impacted me the most.
Firstly, the importance of family and togetherness as during the lockdown I spent a lot of time with my family of ten. It was fun as we engaged in various activities at home, such as baking, family games and looking after each other. There is nothing greater or sweeter than the bond of family, seeing everybody happy and safe is something I will forever be grateful for. I am sure this is a lesson most people especially very busy parents learnt as the pandemic made them spend so much time with their children. We brought out the best in ourselves despite the pandemic and all, waking up everyday to see the ever smiling faces of those that matters most to you is a blessing.


The importance of staying fit is another positive lesson 2020 left me with. The importance of physical fitness is something I always looked down on until I became ill (not the coronavirus 😅). My doctor encouraged me to participate in sports activities for quicker recovery as an expression says 'Health is Wealth'. So I took up playing basketball and discovered I was good at it, it became a hobby. In the process I regained my health and I made new friends who influenced me positively. This changed my mindset towards physical exercise, I also registered in a gym center and I have seen a lot of improvements through exercising my body.


The most positive thing 2020 graced me with is the mindset that one should be prepared at all time for the rainy days. It taught me the importance of always having a backup plan incase of unforeseen circumstances especially in the area of online finance. I don't know if I would have discovered steemit, cryptocurrency trading as well as online betting or gambling which provided me with a lot of income during the lockdown. Now I know the importance of having different source of income that is not barriered by distance.

Yes 2020 came with its ups and downs but in the midst of the storm I was able to find relevance and purpose. I discovered a better part of me, I discovered the importance of family togetherness, I discovered hope and above all the love of those that matter to you


@Fendit @belenguerra @steemit thank you so much for this opportunity to be able to share with the community.


 4 years ago 

Thank you for participating in Writing and Reviews contest! We appreciate a lot your engagement with this community.

We’d love to read more posts from you!!

Have a nice day!


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