NEW CONTEST: Your favorite children's story by @kawsar

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

Assalamu Alaikum
I am @Kawsar
From Dhaka Bangladesh.

  • Hope Everyone is doing well. Today I will share with you a story of my childhood I am sharing this story. because today a contest has been organized in the writing and review community to share a childhood story and that This story is about how old I was when I was younger? who told me the story? and what I learned through that story?


Who told me this story

I used to listen to a lot of stories from my mother when I was a child. When I used to go to bed with my mother at night, she would go to bed telling stories. There was never a day when she didn't tell stories but I don't remember all the stories but I remember a story in it. I will share now

I was old when the story was told

I was about 60 to eight years old when my mother told me this story, although I was very young at the time, but I still remember this story.

This story is what I learned

From the story I heard from my mother and the story I will share with you now, I learned that if the Creator gives something to someone, then the Creator has to be thanked. The more I can do, the more I give. So each of us should give more thanks to the Creator and acknowledge His blessings.

The story

Once upon a time there were three people living in a city, one of them had a problem. The first person's problem was white patient and the second person was blind and the third person had no hair on his head, he was bald. These three had a lot of trouble moving around the society because of these eighteen problems and they had no evaluation in the society to live a very anxious life and they started living a very hard life. And all three of them were very poor.

Then one day the Messenger of God came to the first person and asked him, "What is your problem?" The first person said, "My problem is that I am a white patient." Do you want anything from God? Do you have anything to ask of the Creator? Then he said, "Yes, I ask my Creator to cure me of this disease, and to make me rich. I own a lot of money." And then the angel sent by the Creator touched the body of the patient, then the patient's disease got better, that is, the white patient got better and he became very rich.

Then the messenger of God went to the second man and asked him if he had anything to ask of your Creator. The second man said, "Yes, I am blind, I cannot see. When the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) touched his eyes, he saw with his own eyes, that is, his blindness disappeared and he became the owner of many possessions.

In the same way, the Messenger of God asked the same question to the third person, and the third person said, "Yes, I want to have hair on my head, and I own a lot of property."

After receiving everything in this way, all of them, that is, the three of them, began to live a very happy life. Everyone began to live happily. He said, "I have achieved these things myself." That is, he forgot the words of God and forgot the blessings of God. From then on, his wealth began to decline and he became as white as before.

Then the messenger of Allah went to the second person, that is, he went to the blind man and asked him, "Where did you get this property?" The blind man did not forget Allah, the Creator, but confessed his property which his Creator had given him, and he was grateful to the Creator, and he was thankful. The angel left her happy. The Creator was pleased and increased his wealth.

Then the angel went to the third person and asked him where he got the wealth. He denied it and said that he got it himself, that is, he did not acknowledge that it was given by the creator of this wealth, so the messenger of Allah became angry with him. And he lived with the disease as before and his property was taken away from him.


 3 years ago 

Thank you very much for sharing such a beautiful story that your mother told you!! I really enjoyed your post!

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