in Writing & Reviews3 years ago (edited)


Hi, steemians! I am glad to be able to join another contest hosted by @fendit and @belenguerra. The last time that I joined their contest was 14 days ago, it was about what do you love more about your country.

>image courtesy of @fendit

This new topic is about dreams in life, and it talks about the biggest one. It got me wondering and I decided to examine myself, my current situation, and my life in general. What's my biggest dream right now?

If I was asked the same question five years ago, I might have said that my biggest dream is to travel to different countries with my husband because we love traveling and we have been to only three international countries so far, it would be great to be able to see the different wonders of the world together as a couple, reaching different corners of the globe and experience the many cultures it offers.


But today, I am already a mother, as a first-time mother, I have different priorities this time. Although traveling would still be a good dream to aim for, my biggest dream right now is not for myself but for my baby. I dream and pray for him to grow healthy, successful, and happy.

Being healthy because it is not easy to see my child in pain or having their health challenges. It would be better if I would instead get the health problem than let my baby go through the pain.



Being successful not in my term but with his definition. Success varies in every person so I dream that he would be able to reach his success according to how he defines it.

It is indeed the truest form of a dream for me and it sounds sacrificial but if you become a mother, our lives become different, our dreams change and our perspective in life just turns around, it revolves now in our family, our children most important and we can't help it.


We do have our own goals in life as our children grow and slowly becomes independent but within our hearts, we have this dream that they will grow well, healthy, successful, and happy.

If I would be able to witness that as he grows, I know that I have also reached my biggest dream. I will be content.



Thank you once again @fendit and @belenguerra for hosting this content. God bless you and more power!



y sólo hemos estado en tres países internacionales hasta ahora, sería genial poder ver las diferentes maravillas del mundo juntos como pareja, llegando a diferentes rincones del planeta y experimentando las muchas culturas que ofrece.


Pero hoy, que ya soy madre, como madre primeriza, tengo otras prioridades esta vez. Aunque viajar seguiría siendo un buen sueño al que aspirar, mi mayor sueño ahora mismo no es para mí, sino para mi bebé. Sueño y rezo para que crezca sano, exitoso y feliz.

Que esté sano porque no es fácil ver a mi hijo sufriendo o teniendo sus problemas de salud. Sería mejor que yo tuviera el problema de salud que dejar que mi bebé pase por el dolor.



Ser exitoso no en mi término sino con su definición. El éxito varía en cada persona por lo que sueño con que sea capaz de alcanzar su éxito según como lo defina.

Es de hecho la forma más verdadera de un sueño para mí y suena sacrificado pero si te conviertes en madre, nuestras vidas se vuelven diferentes, nuestros sueños cambian y nuestra perspectiva en la vida simplemente gira, gira ahora en nuestra familia, nuestros hijos lo más importante y no podemos evitarlo.


Tenemos nuestras propias metas en la vida a medida que nuestros hijos crecen y poco a poco se independizan, pero dentro de nuestros corazones, tenemos este sueño de que crezcan bien, sanos, exitosos y felices.

Si soy capaz de presenciar eso a medida que crece, sé que también he alcanzado mi mayor sueño. Estaré contenta.



Gracias una vez más @fendit y @belenguerra por alojar este contenido. ¡Dios los bendiga y más poder!


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