in Writing & Reviews3 years ago


Hello Steemians,
Good morning, afternoon and Good evening to you! I fell so honor to be a participant of the wonderful Contest which has given me the opportunity to discussed about my religion.

My Religion is Christianity. I'm a follower of Jesus Christ and God Almighty i believe in the Roman Catholic church doctoring.

The Roman Catholic Church, simply stands for high standards and second chances and is a universal church that is found in every part of the world. I'm a followers of Jesus Christ, who lived 2000 years ago and taught His disciples to live a life of outstanding love, truth, care and concern for one another, to uphold the highest standards of sexual morality, and to offer forgiveness and compassion to those who acknowledge their inability to live out these ideals consistently.

I strongly believe that Jesus was more than a great ethical and moral teacher that even taught professor when he was 12years old. Jesus Christ was God walking among us as a human being. The night before He died He shared a meal of bread and wine with His followers and said “This is My Body This is My Blood Do this in memory of Me.” Ever since, the Roman Catholics Church have celebrated the Mass, the re-presentation of the Last Supper of Jesus.

As a believer of the Catholic doctoring, i believe that when i receive Holy Communion, although what we eat and drink looks, feels, and tastes like bread and wine, it is in God’s sight the actual Body and Blood of Jesus.

In the Catholic Church we believe that within God, there are three persons in one God. And this three person are called God the Father, God Son, and Holy Spirit yet these are united so closely with one another that we can still proclaim that we believe in One God. As a Catholic worshiper I believe that many people who have lived good lives here on earth are now saints with God in heaven, and pre-eminent among them is Mary the Mother of Jesus. We believe that we can invite these saints, and also the angels created by God Almighty, to pray for us in God’s presence.

I'm am an ordinary human being who struggle daily to live up to the standard and teachings of Jesus Christ and to worship and keep to his commandments everyday. The most interesting things about my religion is that I'm just like a saints; I believe that what I have in common is God loves. Catholic church has make me to believe that God is real, and the church has make it possible for we to worship and receive God's teaching in the way the suit God. I believe so much in the Catholic doctoring believe we live in the foot steps of Jesus Christ.


My appreciation goes to @belenguerra , @writingnreviews & @findit for making it possible for me to participate in this Contest.

Thank You.....

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