Flash contest: For a greener planet! By @jimah1k

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago (edited)
Hello fellow steamians, it’s with great joy that am here today in this noble community to participate in this wonderful contest. Polluting the forest is something that mankind has turned into an everyday thing and we don’t regard or feel like we are doing something bad. Which as a matter of fact is gradually killing us. As a result I will be stating a few tips or ways we can avoid polluting our environment

Tips to avoid polluting our environment

Environment as we all know are the things we see or find around us that affects or influences human activities.

Below are highlighted tips that will prevent and help avoid/ minimize environmental pollution.

  • Afforestation/Reforestation


Afforestation which is simply planting of trees in areas where plants or trees are absent
Where as reforestation is the act of replacing cut down trees after they have been used for human activities. These are necessary because, it provides atmospheric purification.(reduces air pollution). The green plants or trees during photosynthesis uses or absorb both carbon mono and dioxide from the environment and provides oxygen which we individual use in respiration. When trees are cut( during deforestation), there are excess of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, with no tress or plant to absorb them, they depletes the ozone layer which results in global warming and hence brings about the increase in poor yield of crops and heat related illnesses such as cerebrospinal meningitis, rhabdomyolysis, heat stroke, heat exhaustion and so on. So it is necessary to encourage afforestation and deforestation to maintain a healthy environment.


  • Recycling


Recycling is simply converting waste materials or products such as steel, plastics, papers, robbers, and so on; into new products or materials. Recycling is one of the effective ways of environmental pollution and help preserve our ecosystem. Since it reduces air water and land pollution. Recycling also reduces green house gas which contributes in global warming, preserve our energies and resources since the demand of new raw materials will be reduced and also make the environment neat and healthy.
Below is a research of University of Central Oklahoma on how recycling reduces pollution and according to reports, recycling has indeed helped the ecosystem a lot in terms of pollution. Let's take a look at the Table

Recycled materialspollution reduction rate
PaperAir pollution 73% water pollution 35%
SteelAir pollution 86% water pollution 76%
Glassreduces mining wastes by 80% and air pollution by 20%.

Recycling has really helped preserve the environment and must be encouraged to promote a healthy life.


  • Avoid contamination of water bodies

We all know how important water is to us humans, plants and animals. Industries should avoid the disposal of waste and chemical in water bodies. This affects the aquatic habitats and we humans when we consume them. Fisher men should also avoid the use of chemical such as Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) for fishing since it kills the aquatic and pollutes the water. When such water is used in irrigation it destroys the crops and hence brings about poor yield of crops.
Individual should try and avoid dumping of refuges in water bodies; it chocks the water bodies and hence results in flooding , which always causes lost of lives and properties.
So I urge we the individual to avoid the mentioned above ,so we can enjoy a healthy environment.


  • encouraging good farm practices

We eat in other to survive and be healthy.
So we must eat good food, and in other to get good food, we must encourage good farm practices. Below are practices a farmer should take into consideration.

Bush fallowing

Bush fallowing is simply leaving the soil or a piece of land for a period of time after harvesting, to ensure it regain or restore it's soil nutrients or fertility. When bust is allowed to fallow, it improves the soil structure , improves it's water holding capacity, helps fix nitrogen and carbon dioxide in the soil , improving the microorganisms in the soil which help to fix nitrogen and carbon dioxide during decomposition and so on. Bush or farm fallowing is an effect practice which needs to be observed(practiced).


Cover cropping

Cover cropping is simply the act of planting crops such as legumes, luckwheat, rey and so on to protect or cover the top soil; rather than the purpose of harvest. This is a very important practice since it protects the soil against erosion and also improves the soil by providing it with nitrogen and improve the amount of soil water, organisms and serves as source of green manure. This is a very important practice which needs to be taking into consideration since it helps the land and prevent water pollution due to its erosion control.


Avoiding excess use of fertilizers

Too much of fertilizers on a farm or land is very bad, since it can leads to destruction of soil or land. Too much of fertilizer kill microorganisms present in the soil and also loosen the soil; as a result, soil erosion and degradation occurs. This may make farming impossible or difficult on that soil or land. Also when the top soil containing the excess fertilizers is washed into water bodies by erosion, the fertilizers contaminates the water , reducing it's turbidity and in addition to the fertilizers, all the organism will be killed.


  • Education

Educating our communities about the environment is very useful. Educating them about the effects of environmental degradation , the need to avoid unnecessary hunting of wild life, and show them highly improved measures to help sustain the environment and to promote a higher living standard. Education can be done through medias, articles or blogs and also the agricultural agencies voluntarily moving from community to communicate to share knowledge on how to preserve the farms and environment . Education is one of the key ways to preserve or sustain our environment.


I invite @abduljawad002, @rubilu123 and @chenty to participate thank you


Wow Greate job... youve done it all

Thanks bro 😎

Thanks for the invite bro. I wish you the best of luck.

Thanks 🙏

The alarming state at which some citizens do not care about the environment seems to scare me a lot. And we can see this behaviour in our youths and in the old too which I think shouldn’t be the case.

Thanks for the invite buddy and I wish you luck in the contest.😊

Hopefully if we try to minimize the way we pollute the environment it will go a long way to help us. Thanks buddy😁

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