Microrrelato - Mi dulce compañía | Short Story - My Sweet Company [Spanish/English]

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago (edited)


Fuente ig @andrealandia

Mi dulce compañía

Era la única que los notaba, quizás por eso me seguían a todas partes. Me gustaba verlos nunca me hacían sentir sola. En el día alcanzaba a ver cómo se deslizaban entre las nubes mientras iba por la calle, creían que no me daba cuenta.

Me alcanzaban aún dentro del auto de mi madre, o en el bus, no me perdían la pista. Los adultos me regañaban constantemente por estar despistada mirando al cielo. Una vez sin querer por andar mirando a través de la ventana me pasé la parada de bus, casi me pierdo. A veces no prestaba atención a lo que me decían estaba continuamente en otro mundo. Llegue a terminar en la oficina de la dirección por no prestar atención en clase.

Por las noches me acostaba en el techo, a ver las estrellas, esperando que alguno se atreviera hablar conmigo. Sin querer una noche me dormí en el techo. Al día siguiente amanecí en mi cama. No le pregunte a mi madre como llegue a la cama, ni quería saber y como ella algo me dijo nada al respecto, me quede con la duda.

Unos días después, una noche mientras dormía, sentí que me querían llevar. Me di cuenta qué era una pesadilla, por qué desperté llorando, ese día había visto una película de terror mucho antes de dormir. La oscuridad me hizo una mala jugada. Sabía que eran tímidos y nunca serían capaz ni de asustarme.

Me gustaba dibujarlos, mi mamá decía que siempre andaba en las nubes, llegue a ponerle nombres a cada uno, aunque a veces me confundían, eran casi todos iguales. Tenía un diario donde escribía sobre ellos, para no confundirlos anotaba sobre sus gustos y mañas. Quizás porqué no era normal que los viera y sabía que no duraría para siempre. Mi madre creía que eran amigos imaginarios y me seguía la corriente, para no creer que estaba loca.

Con los años fui creciendo y cada vez los veía menos. Al final del día no lograba verlos todos y siempre quedaba uno. Pasaron algunos años más y llegó un momento en que los deje de ver. Pero sabía que aun me seguían, podía ver las plumas que dejaban en el camino, en mi cuarto, en la ventana al despertar cada mañana. Me reía. Mi madre decía que eran las aves que se metían a mi cuarto a hacer estragos.

Aunque estuviera sola, sabía que siempre estaba allí a mi lado y nunca me sentiría desamparada.

Muchas gracias por haber leído hasta el final espero les haya gustado. ☺

Jhon Michael

My Sweet Company [English version]

I was the only one who noticed them, maybe that's why they followed me everywhere. I liked seeing them, they never made me feel lonely. In the daytime I could see how they slipped through the clouds as I went down the street, they thought I didn't realize it.

They caught up with me even in my mother's car, or on the bus, they didn't lose track of me. The adults constantly scold me for being clueless looking up at the sky. Once, accidentally looking through the window, I passed the bus stop, I almost got lost. Sometimes I didn't pay attention to what they told me, I was continually in another world. I ended up in the principal's office for not paying attention in class.

At night I would lie on the roof, to see the stars, hoping that someone would dare to talk to me. Unintentionally one night I fell asleep on the roof. The next day I woke up in my bed. I did not ask my mother how I got to bed, nor did I want to know and since she told me something about it, I was left with the doubt.

A few days later, one night while I was sleeping, I felt like they wanted to take me. I realized what a nightmare it was, why I woke up crying, that day I had seen a horror movie long before sleeping. The darkness played a bad game on me. I knew they were shy and would never even be able to scare me.

I liked to draw them, my mother said that she was always in the clouds, I got to put names to each one, although sometimes they confused me, they were almost all the same. She had a diary where she wrote about them, so as not to confuse them she wrote about their tastes and tricks. Perhaps because it was not normal for him to see them and he knew that it would not last forever. My mother believed they were imaginary friends and played along, not to believe I was crazy.

Over the years I grew up and saw them less and less. At the end of the day I couldn't see all of them and there was always one left. A few more years passed and there came a time when I stopped seeing them. But I knew they were still following me, I could see the feathers they left on the road, in my room, in the window when I woke up every morning. I laughed. My mother said they were the birds that came into my room to wreak havoc.

Even though she was alone, I knew that she was always there by my side and I would never feel helpless.

Jhon Michael

Thank you very much for having read to the end I hope you liked it. ☺

 3 years ago 

Thank you for sharing in Writing and Reviews!

Your post has been selected for today as part of the Steemit Communities support Program.

@fendit Thank you very much for selecting my story. I hope the community likes them. ☺

@fendit Thankful again for reading my second story. I hope you liked it. 😭❤

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