Contest: Write your own play : /Love and betrayal by @jeanalyn

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago (edited)

Good day to all of us, specially here in writing and reviews. Please allow me to participate in your contest. Here is my entry for the contest write your own play with a title of "love and betrayal"



Rheathe wife
Leothe husband
Cathythe secretary, the other woman
Benthe son of rhea and leo, eldest
Miathe daughter of leo and rhea, the youngest


Rhea and leo were married for 10 years. They were both in love with each other. Leo was a responsible and a loving father. I can say that they have a perfect family. Until one day everything change.

In the dining were everybody is having their dinner.

Leo : ( talking to rhea) honey , betty is signing for a resignation .

Rhea : What? Why? She was your secretary for almost 7 years .

Leo : yeah, I can't stop her because her husband decided to stop her from working so that they can have children .

Rhea : oh yes, maybe she needs a rest so she can get pregnant .

Leo : I have already found a new secretay, her name was cathy, I guest .

Rhea : oh you already found a new secretary, that was fast .

Leo : Yes, because I immediately ask the office to hire me a new secretary. But betty will still stay for one week to train cathy .

Rhea : Yes, betty must train her first .

After dinner the whole family happily watch Television together.
As time goes by Rhea felt that something has change. Leo was always home late, seems that he can no longer have time to his family. He doesn't seem like that before.

in Leo's office

Knock, knock, knock

Leo : Come in

Cathy : (in sexy voice) hi sir, you need something to drink? Coffee? Tea? or anything else? .

Leo : Not now cathy! Can't you see im busy .

Cathy : don't you miss me? .

Leo : please, we have to stop this, my wife is already suspecting me. What if she finds out, I don't wanna lost my family.

Cathy : who cares?

Leo : I love my wife, I love my family?

Cathy : whatever

Leo : Please leave me alone!

Cathy doesn't even listen to Leo instead he approaches leo and whisper in his ears

Cathy : after our work, i'll be waiting for you outside. I will give you the happines that your wife cannot give you.

That night Rhea and the children are waiting for leo, hoping that he would come home early today. But as expected leo call her wife telling that he could be late because there is still lot of work at the office.

at the dining table

Mia : Mama, were's papa?.

Rhea : He is still at work baby, he was to busy that is why he can't be home early.

Ben : Why is papa always home late, we no longer eat together.

Mia : Mama said he was busy at his office that is why he comes home late.

Rhea : yes he was so busy (with a tears in her eyes)

As time goes by Rhea is already suspecting her husband. Until one morning in their house.....

Rhea : (talking to leo) What time did you got home last night?

Leo : *I never realized the time, I was too busy at the office. i'm sorry honey I did not wake you up because you were deeply asleep.

Rhea : *the children are already asking why you come home late. They said we no longer eat dinner together.

Leo : (feeling guilty inside) Im sorry honey, I promise that I would come home early so I could have for you and the children.

Rhea : (with a sad face) is there something wrong?

Leo : (shock) what? What are you talking about?

Rhea : you have change.

Leo : change? What do you mean?

Rhea : I feel something is wrong?

Leo : What are you talking about? There is nothing wrong honey.
: (hugging his wife) honey don't think negative things. I love you, you and our children are my precious gift god gave to me.

Suddenly there is a knock on the door.
Knock, knock, knock.....

Rhea : (confused) early this morning, who was that.

Rhea : I will open the door

Leo : ok honey, I will just go to the bathroom to take a bath.

As Rhea open the doot, a sexy girl appear in front of her.

Rhea : yes? What can I do for you?

sexy girl : * Is sir leo is here?*

Rhea : You know my husband?

Cathy : Yes, Im here secretary. Im Cathy, nice to finally meet you.

Rhea : oh, sorry I don't have any idea that you are my husband's secretary. Please come in.

Cathy : yeah

Rhea : Leo is still in the bathroom, just wait a little while.

Cathy : no worries, I can wait

After a while leo has already out at the bathroom
And he was extremely shock seeing cathy in his house.

Leo : Cathy? ( shock)

Rhea : She said she was your secretary so I let him in (already suspecting as she have her husband's reaction seeing cathy) Is there something wrong?

Leo : Nothing honey.

Cathy : (suddenly interrupted) why can't you tell her the truth?

Rhea : (to leo) what truth?

Leo : honey, just calm down I can explain.

Rhea starting to cry and she can't help it to think that the girl in there house could be his husbands mistress.
Suddenly the children hear the arguments.

Ben : what's wrong mama? Why are you crying?

Mia : Mama (starting to cry as she see her mother crying)

Rhea : ben you go to your room bring your sister with you.
Then ben bring her sister in the room.

Leo : honey, I can explain everything.

Rhea : I know from the beginning that there were something wrong.

Cathy : yes your right im here mistress.

Leo : ( pointing to cathy) you shut up!

Rhea : how can you do this to me, to us? ( slap leo)

Leo : ( crying ) im sorry honey I don’t want to lose you, you and our kids. Please give me another chance.

Cathy : what? Your begging for a second chance. How about me? You bitch.

Leo: I became weak, I was carried away by your seduction. You ruin my family.
Rhea was just crying and don’t even know what to say or do.
Cathy : yes I flirt, but admit it that you enjoy my company.

Leo : please, cathy stop this .!! You get out of my house..!!! (Talking to cathy)

cAthy : let go of me..!!!
Leo drag cathy out of his house. When cathy was already out leo approached his wife.

Leo : honey, please forgive me.

Rhea : ( don’t even say any word she is jus crying )

Leo : honey please stop crying. I don’t want our children see you like that.

Rhea : you don’t want my children to see me crying? Then why didn’t you think of that before you committed that sin.

Leo : honey, I’ve been so weak. I was seduce.

Rhea : if you really loves us you will not be carried away by her seduction.

Leo : I know honey I was carried away. Im really sorry. Can you please give me another chance.?

Suddenly the children came over
Ben & divine : mama ( hugging there mama)

bEn: are you ok mama?

Rhea : yes sweety im ok ( kissing both of her children)

Rhea : (to leo) you know what? I don’t know why you do this to me. I devoted my life taking care of you. Just because she gives you pleasure you betrayed us?

Leo : yes your right honey, you’ve been a wonderful wife and mother. I cannot ask anything because you already have it. I regret what I have done such thing. I became weak. Im sorry honey,please give me another chance. (Hugging cassandra and the children)
Rhea : its not easy for me to forgive you but for my children I will give you a second chance. I don’t want my children grow with out a father.

Leo : ( hug cassandra) thank you honey.

At the office leo fires out cathy. He hires another secretary, a secretary that is not like cathy. As time goes by, Rhea has forgive leo. The wound that Rhea have has been healed. They are now living happily together with their children.

Thank you for reading

About my cover image, I made the avatar through an apps ( styledoll life - 3D avatar maker ) in this apps you can make your own doll. And the background I've got it through googgle.

Yours truly


Muy interesante el drama de la obra te felicito.

 3 years ago (edited)

Thank you my friend

 3 years ago 

Thank you for being part of this week’s contest!!

We appreciate a lot your commitment with this community 😊


 3 years ago 

Its an honor for me to become part of your community.

 3 years ago 

Congrats on being one of the winners of this week!!

We appreciate a lot your commitment with this community 😊


 3 years ago 

Thank you so much #writingreviews for appreciating my work.

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