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in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

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Wow, am glad for the reaction am getting

Seriously I feel so honored to have gotten fifth in a role now in the contest which have occurred in the best community for writing am so grateful for the creators of this community which is @belenguerra & @fendit thank you for creating this community.

Today I will be partaking in another contest, kinda simply to one of done before but the new year version, and I will also use this medium to wish all steemians a happy New year especially my readers, I hope all my readers have learnt alot of things from my writings. I will like to be direct about my answer to the new year questions;

What do you thank for 2021

What do I thank ?, I really have alot of things to thank 2021 for, I will like to list a few, the first is the fact that I became wiser this year, I go to know about even though close to the ending of the year and also the fact I finished secondary school this year, I even found the best worship center that fits the area GOD had created for me, 2021 was really an important year to me.

The worst thing that could happen to you in 2021 was

If I think about that, I think it will be losing my GOD, that's the most terrible thing is the same as me lose everything in life that I can never rebuild.

What have been those goals that you could not meet in 2021 ? Will you try again in 2022

I will definitely try again, I want my own brand of clothes as in my own fashion clothes like addidas, dior and the rest.

If you had the opportunity to control the time, what fact would you change in 2021

I know it's kinda of childish, but I will prefer to have made myself aware of Steemit January period calculating from then till now I would have been an influencial personality on steemit and probably delegate some Steem and keep some for myself especially delegate to this community because they are one of the chance achieving this dream.

Was steemit an important part of your 2021 ?

Yeah steemit is although I found about the platform late it still helped in 2021, you do know steemit can be the answer to end cyber crime like the yahoo issue we are facing, since unemployment is growing very high due to much population, people can become steemians as an occupation because I already do am employed as a steemian 😁😁🙃🙃.

What country or place would you like to visit by 2022

Literally I haven't counted that in my plans, am just going to say I will go as the spirit goes.

What was that friend of the year [or friends]

I will say ........... Ummm........ probably GODSTIME & TREASURE

The year is about to burst... Who would you hug first ?

I will probably hug my dance crew, or my family members.

Movie, book or special television series to say goodbye to the year

I know it's not fully out but I will say squid game, that series was hot

Any parting words for 2021 ?

Dear 2021,

You were filled with a lot of activity which lead to progress in my life I do love this year, no more end sars protest to cause the death of youths in year, I like to call you a year of cleansing, the Christmas celebration this year was nice although people are drag who is better than the other at your time, blessing were still in you. I love you I will never forget you but as it is said don't let it's good enough be good enough, so am so glad to move to the next year were I will grow much more better.

Thank you 2021 for all I enjoyed in you.
If you like my writings please follow up my post and like and comment to encourage me to do more also say your advice for me on how to grow in life on any topic of your choice, remember no man is an island of knowledge. Thanks for reading.

 3 years ago 

Hello @jammyroberts if you follow this path you will have a great path in Steemit, that way of writing is very admirable.

Very eloquent, and above all interesting ... I am not a fan of the Squid Game, but it is an entertaining series that allows many analyzes and perspectives to be obtained.


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