in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

Good afternoon friends @ikechuk I want to use this opportunity to thanks writingnreview for this great contest that encourages want to express his or her lifestyle, and also I want to thank @disconnect for sniffing this contest too I would not have known about it if not for them and my many friend around the world which time will not to mention.


Friendship simple in pronunciation, has reflected how we relate with others, it is not just a place one run to when in need or help, but a place he goes every time and relate with, many people view their brother, sister, spouse, classmates,workmate, boss as their friend, but what is more about friendship. Friendship is like a choice we make in life , some persons make mistake by making friends with different person that don't feel the same way the do for the other person and such friends is bond to fall, people make friends with people either at home, at work, schools or in the social media, on wakeup in morning and make friends, something must move one to make friend with a person, it could be from the person manner of speaking, relate with others, dress code, choice of entertainment.
For me I have made friends not one, two or three but many at school, workplace, home and on social media, steemit in general has bound me with friends that I can learn from,many information that I get from steemit has encourage me alot in my day to day life and activities, most time different groups creat contest that encourage conversation with different people and they are always willing to reply to my information and thy are always specific with the answers they speak.
Young ones also encourage me too,in the case that I will comment on their post either up voting or down voting.
In steemit we have friends like @vickydear,@bossyj23,@goodybest, @favour11, @princeifeko, their post have inspired me to do more when I came new on steemit, sometimes I felt discourage that I am not doing my best but information from this one's have guarded me alot.
Thanks you for reading

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