If my Alarm Clock could talk, it would say..

It would probably say that I must be joking!
Haven’t I slept long enough to know that time waits for no man? Honestly, if time doesn’t teach that, experience does.

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Maybe it is my body’s way of catching up to sleep deprivation. I do remember sacrificing a lot of sleep as a child and teenager. Elementary school exams were quite difficult, and; the same goes for high school. I would sleep at 1 am, midnight if I was lucky, and wake up by 4 am. My school was two hours away when travelling by car! Oh, the price one has to pay for a great foundation in education.

I cannot complain; I still got to enjoy childhood as every other child should.
But man, an alarm clock is the worst possible friend I could have. I always say it has the worst voice. How does one wake up to hear you scream so loud? And I tell it every day, its voice is not so pretty, but it gets the job done.

If my alarm could talk, it would probably call me a lazy bum every day… get cross for shutting her down so crassly. Oh well, serves her right for disrupting my dreams.

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She would say, “I am waking you up for your good. Instead of sleeping and dreaming, you should be out there chasing those dreams. Stop being lazy!”

What would I do in this life without you, my dear friend? The world would be a mess if you didn’t exist.


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