in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

Era una vez una chica que la invadía un espíritu malo, en ese tiempo las personas pagaban por escuchar que el espiritu malo decia a travez de ella, porque no era algo comun, la gente se sorprendía por todo lo que podía decir. Cada vez que pablo y silas pasaban por donde ella estaba el espiritu les decia algo, y los seguia hasta que un dia pablo ordeno que el espiritu malo saliera de ella, y las personas que se encargaban, que eran las que recibian el dinero se molestaron mucho porque no podian recibir mas ayuda monetaria, los acusaron que estaban causando molestias, los agarraron y los apresaron.



Luego de esto, ellos viendo toda su preocupacion decidieron adorar y cantar Himnos de Adoración a Dios donde todas sus cadenas fueron rotas y fueron libres de estar en ese lugar, los guardias que estaban junto a ellos se sorprendieron por todo lo que acontecia, y pensaron era que habian escapado pero aun seguian alli y ninguna persona que estaba presa se habia ido, viendo todo lo que pasaba el guardia les pregunto a ellos de que forma podia el ser salvo, y asi ayudaron a todas las personas en ese entonces, predicaron acerca del evangelio y la historia de Jesus.

¿Increible no? El poder que tiene todo lo que decimos o lo que sale de nuestros labios, cada una de nuestras palabras tiene poder, y lo que proclamamos eso es, asi como ellos no pensaban que al adorar podian ser libres.

There was once a girl who was invaded by an evil spirit, at that time people paid to hear that the evil spirit said through her, because it was not something common, people were surprised by everything she could say. Every time Pablo and Silas passed by where she was, the spirit told them something, and followed them until a devil Pablo ordered the evil spirit to leave her, and the people who were in charge, who were the ones who received the money, got upset a lot because they could not receive any more monetary aid, they accused them that they were causing a nuisance, they grabbed and arrested them.

After this, they, seeing all their concern, decided to worship and sing Hymns of Adoration to God where all their chains were broken and they were free to be in that place, the guards who were next to them were surprised by everything that happened, and they thought It was that they had escaped but they were still there and no person who was imprisoned had left, seeing everything that happened, the guard asked them how he could be saved, and so they helped all the people at that time, they preached about of the gospel and the story of Jesus.

Amazing, right? The power that has everything we say or what comes out of our lips, each of our words has power, and what we proclaim that is, just as they did not think that by worshiping they could be free.


Excelente pots amiga, bendiciones.

Me contenta que te haya gustado hermana, bendiciones

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