in Writing & Reviews3 years ago (edited)

Hello fellow steemians its a beautiful Thursday morning here and am here to share with my activities during this day i wake up in the morning observe my daily prayers and then took my bath after that i took my breakfast and take a nad i woke up kater and prepared my self for a meeting since there was not going to be lectures since the lectures were in strike.

I got up and wear my shirt and started moving towards the venue we were about to have the enatus meeting i got there on time at exactly 11:30am the meeting began there was a lot to discuss since we were goibg to embark on a competition soon with other enatus team from different campus.


We selected the team who were going to represent us on this competition though a decision with the members of the group we has a fruitful discuss for sone time and then also talked about selecting hew leaders for the group since the final years were about leaving campus and the group need to have new leaders


After that the neeting went on for some time nd was finally brought to a stop we said the closing prayers and qe all went home after getting home i went to vist my friends in their hostel we talk about how hard the strike is affecting us as a final year student since we have got project work doing and now exams and then mini project from some lectures after some time we then bought some foul to prepare some light soup for super.

         Killing the foul


after yhag we then prepared the foul and then prepared the light soup


We then went to grand the fufu and came back and tooj our super after eatting we played some video games and i went back to my hostel bath and then rwad through some of my project chapters to make some correction before u cab print them for jy supervisor after than i rest for the rest of the day.

Thanks for your attention.

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