CONTEST: TELL US ABOUT YOUR FAVORITE CHILDREN'S STORY by @gabikay mentored by @writingnreviews

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

Hello great Steemians!
I trust your day was perfect. I am here to tell about my favorite children's story.

Myself @gabikay

I listened to many stories when I was younger most of which where fun stories and a few stories which I also learnt from. As at seven to eight years of age, there was this story that was narrated to me by my mother and I have grown always remembering that story and it's morals.


The story centers on a woman(Laria), her daughter (ebele), and her step daughter (Nma).Laria hated and despised Nma, her step daughter and so let's Nma do all the house chores and farm works without aid. Laria never allowed her daughter ,ebele do any of the house chores or help Nma.

One day, Nma left home for the farm work like regular. When she was done cultivating the farm, she set for home but on her way encountered an old woman who was still struggling to harvest her yam tubers. Nma approaches the woman and offers to help the old woman. After the work, the old woman was pleased with Nma that she offers Nma a mango and tells Nma to put the mango in a basket when she gets home. Nma did exactly as she was told by the old woman and by morning the next day, the basket was filled with gold coins and out of excitement, Nma showed her step mom the gold coin filled basket. Her step mother out of jealousy seized Nma's gold coin and asked Nma how she came to acquire them. Nma narrated how she had helped an old woman along the farm road and how she was rewarded. Nma's step mother Laria grounded Nma from leaving the house. Laria used this opportunity to tell her daughter ebele to visit the farm regularly to see if she would encounter the old woman. Ebele did as her mother had instructed her and on one of the days which ebele went to the farm, she saw the old woman. Ebele didn't know how to do farm work and so she couldn't help the old woman. Instead she made away with four mangoes from the old woman and returned home to give to her mother. Ebele's mother was pleased and proud with what her daughter had done and immediately they both put the mangoes in a basket and left it till morning. Before Laria and her daughter Ebele could wake up in the morning, snakes had already filled the room from the basket which contianed the stolen mangoes. The snakes stung mother and daughter to death. Nma later got back her gold coin basket and became prosperous.

At the end of the story then, I could understand that

  1. Respecting and assisting the elderly is a rewarding venture and ever since then I have always keyed into it.
  2. What goes around comes around and so It has helped me to be open and accommodating towards people
  3. A greedy person is mostly stagnated and so I also learnt to make do of the little I may have.

Thank you for taking your time to read my post. Special thanks goes to @belenguerra @writingnreviews & @fendit.

 3 years ago 

This is the evidence of my post

Wao... What an interesting story nice one

 3 years ago 

Thank you very much, my friend! I love your post!! :)

 3 years ago (edited)

Thank you

Wow.. Very interesting story ever

 3 years ago 

Thank you for reading my post

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