in Writing & Reviews4 years ago

Top posts of the week

It's always a great idea to promote and highlight all those posts that we really enjoyed reading. This past week we have seen some great content being shared and that's what makes us the happiest!

We have not taken into account all those posts that were done for any of the contests we're running and we also try to encourage all new and regular users to be promoted in this section!

This is our selected picks from this week, which went from November 22nd till November 29th.

Here's our top picks for you:

On this post, @alcidescadiz shared with us a beautiful poem of his own. Thank you for sharing, Alcides, it's always great to see you as a part of this community!

In this opportunity, @joseph1956 shared a creative writing of his own. It's about a writer who's about to be published and get noticed for a book that he didn't write and he doesn't even know how it got to the publisher's hands... Thank you for sharing, I hope to read the rest of it!!

In this post, @johnion talks about how nothing stops just because the clock doesn't work. Time goes by and due to that, we're supposed to make the most out of it! Great words of advise!

This week @stive1 shared with us a great review on a not-so-typical movie, "Isle of Dogs". It surely is an interesting movie to watch and @stive1 managed to give it a very interesting insight about the how the movie was done, the plot and another interesting details about it.

This week @warrenjemkis shared with us a creative short story. It's really moving and talks about how hard it is to leave your country to live somewhere else. Thank you for sharing!

In this great post, @sandun98 shared with us a great review on the well-known serie "Supernatural". It's really interesting to read and it gives you an insight on the different characters of the serie! Don't miss it!

That's it for this week!

We really hope that you enjoy this special post about our top picks! Don't miss any of this posts, take a look at them and let us know if you liked them!

Thank you all for sharing with us, it means a lot to see all the engangement with this community!
And of course, we also want to thank @steemcurator01 for encouraging us from the very first moment!
Lots of love,
@belenguerra & @fendit


@fendit - we are rather confused why you are not leaving any comments on the posts selected here.

And worst of all, this post does not have a single vote or single comment...

Not sure what the purpose of these 'Top Picks of the Week' posts are?

 4 years ago (edited)

Hi @steemcurator01! Regarding this comment, I know you haven't made it to me, so I'm going to let @fendit respond. But I would like to take this opportunity to tell you that I feel that it is quite unfair how you answer us and the number of times you have "called us the attention" for details like this when we are putting a lot of energy into the community because we are really excited and want to motivate to those who participate here.

I would like to tell you something, with all due respect. As CR, in my case, I am working in the @cryptokannon team on many tasks, I also work in this community, I try to maintain a Twitter and Facebook account to promote Steemit, and I make publications every day to generate movement on the platform and to create quality content, in this ecosystem that I firmly believe in and that has really fascinated me since I started.

I really want more Argentines to discover this and I do my best to achieve it. But it is very sad and demotivating to see that you always mark us the mistake or something that we could have missed, and if you stop by my blog, you will see how many posts there are without any voting. And I know that it is not about how much you vote for us, I know perfectly well. But I am working hard to be part of Steemit's growth because I repeat, I firmly believe in this.

I believe that the people who are putting things together, mobilizing the platform, working to make this grow, instead of calling us so much attention, you should see all the good we do and find a way to stay motivated as well. I appreciate your attention,



 4 years ago 

Hi, @steemcurator01.
It's not my intention at all to sound disrespectful or anything related to it, but I believe that there's no need to be so rude whenever it comes to pointing out mistakes. You can always tell pretty much the same in a constructive way and I'll be more than pleased to take that into account and to learn from it.

I believe it's quite unfair to just point out the things that we're missing and not even consider all the huge effort and ideas we're constantly bringing to our community to make it grow. I can show you how much we talk with @belenguerra every single day, in which we discuss how to make users engage more and how to grow as a community. Still, none of that gets even noticed by you, as you left an aggresive comment as this one.

As well this, it all takes time here in Steemit. Being CR, being in charge of the community, being part of the Steem Greet Team and still, try to make a post for my own blog from time to time. I have had some rough patches lately with no extra-time to spend here and I have felt pretty much discouraged to realize that no matter how much effort you put here in the platform, there's always something that will be missing and that we will be called off because of that.

I'd love to keep on helping Steemit grow, I really enjoy this platform, but it's hard to keep up the motivation with messages like this one.

 4 years ago (edited)

hi @steemcurator01, I have been on the platform for a short time, not even a year, but in the short time I have been there, I could see the work of @belenguerra and @fendit. I am very sure that they strive to do their best for the community, so I admire them very much. Before making such a comment, I think we should remember that everyone is human, and if we are human we can make mistakes. If my words are offensive, I apologize.

 4 years ago 

Thanks a lot for your words, @leonelb :)
It's great to see this kind of feedback

 4 years ago 

Thank you very much for your support @leonelb!

 4 years ago 

Hi @steemcurator01, would you mind taking a look at our prompt responses? Thank you.

Sorry to interrupt this thread, but I think I will have to interfere a bit if you all don't mind. I acknowledge the works and effort that @fendit and @belenguerra doing with The Steem Greeters Project and other things in the background. I also back then did not comment and engaging much with the community members as most of my work were behind the scene and now that more members helping, I can sometime engaging and commenting with other steemian out here. We all are constraint by time. As for this comment by steemit team, I think they are trying to encourage us to comment on the post that we review on and pick as our top picks and it makes sense for us a reviewer to comment something on that post. Come on ladies we all make mistakes and it takes courage to own them and move on with the better of us. I appreciate you both and let us do better 🤗

 4 years ago 

Thank you for your kind words, Kannon :)
I really appreciate them!

 4 years ago 

Thank you very much for your comment @cryptokannon 🤗

 4 years ago 

Hello again @steemcurator01, It's so sad that you can't give us an answer. I'm sorry... I don't like to compare, but I'm watching the blog of other CRs and they have all they post voted. Please I invite you to take a look at mine. I invest a lot of time here because I really like to be part of this, and I still want to be part, but I think that is unfair how you have treated us so many times, and now you just ignore us. It would be nice if you could see all the good things we perform for the #steemit growth, and instead of being looking for any mistake, recognize in some way our job here.

 4 years ago 

Thank you for keep posting in our community!! :) We are glad to have you here!!

Hola, mi sincera opinión Quizás aporte algo y ayude a esclarecer un poco. Llevo poco tiempo en la plataforma, pero sé que detrás de cada logro y tarea se necesita un montón de esfuerzo y dedicación, lo sé de ante mano porque mi trabajo como escritor es intenso y complejo. Pero la realidad, a pesar de los errores pasados (presentes) siempre existen personas que hacen posible que las cosas funcionen y que casi siempre pasan inadvertidas. En mi caso personal, desde la llegada a la plataforma una de las personas que más he visto motivando a los demás y que me ha ayudado e ilusionado es @belenguerra por lo que de ninguna manera podía dejar de opinar lo que realmente siento.
Y generalmente los mejores trabajos en cualquierplataforma o sitio web pasan inadvertidos.
Un saludo desde Cuba. Mis respetos belen.
Mi humilde opinión de escritor y consumidor de Steemit.

 4 years ago 

Muchas gracias por tu comentario @leonardoalma!! Me alegra que al menos algunos de ustedes vean y valoren eso. Me gusta mucho #steemit, y aunque no hayan demasiadas personas de mi país, como CR, intento promover el contenido de los usuarios de países latinoamericanos y también de otros países que no pertenecen a nuestra región. Me gusta ayudarlos, orientarlos y estar presente para lo que necesiten. Es una pena que no vean todo el trabajo que hay detrás de ello quienes dirigen esta plataforma.

Gracias Leonardo.

Aquí estamos para ayudar. Un saludo solidario. Y éxitos, superar barreras es parte de lo que nos hace crecer como personas.

 4 years ago 

Gracias Leonardo!

 4 years ago 

Muchas gracias @belenguerra & @fendit por tomar en cuenta Mi Corta Historia en el Top de Publicaciones de la Semana y @steemcurator01 por el apoyo.


 4 years ago 

De nada!!

 4 years ago 

Un gusto! :)
Muchas gracias por ser parte de esta comunidad!

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