in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

Hello everyone in this lovely community, I deem it a great honor to be part of this noble community @writingnreviews also I am happy to take part in this beautiful contest organized by @belenguerra and @fendit. I hope my entry will be considered.



Childhood is the best stage in life, you have no worries in your mind, you don’t disturb yourself with keeping yourself clean, you don’t do any tedious house chores, and the only duty you have it just to be respectful and obedient to your elders.

A childhood picture of my mum, I and my sister

My childhood was no exception, I grew up from a nuclear family so I didn’t have a feel of the extended family system where they assembly everyone and give out stories every evening after super. With my situation, my dad wasn’t stable so it was once a while He used to give as stories about be it history of just beautiful imaginary stories.

It was during my early stages of life, that is when I was 7 years to 10 years my dad used to tell us stories. There was one particular story I can’t forget because I used to disturb him every time to repeat it again.

The story thought me a lot of lessons in life which still have impact in my life right now. My favorite childhood story thought me never to be proud, envious, and power drunk but to be prayerful and brave. This lessons learnt have sharpen my life from childhood till adulthood.

I will like to give you a summary of my favorite childhood story.

There lived a king called King Akgobologo, His name alone was scary. The people living in his kingdom feared him more than anything because of Hus cruel character. There was a norm in the community that anyone that gives birth should send the baby to the Kings palace for the baby to be given a name there. The naming of the baby to was done in a careless way in such a way that, any item was used to named children.
A certain innocent woman gave birth and was taking her baby to the king as their usual norm. The baby spoke to the mum and said ‘mummy don’t take me to the King palace I am called wiser than the king. The mum was shocked and returned backed with baby to the house. The baby grew into a boy and was playing football with his friends close to the king palace. In a way of asking the ball from the boy his name was been mentioned. The king heard that name and was shocked and sent for the boy.
The boy told the king he named himself because he can’t bear any useless name from a wicked king. The king was extra shocked! Days passed by but the king still wasn’t satisfied. He tried eliminating the young and innocent boy from the village but all attempts proved fatal. The young and innocent boy was a prayerful person who didn’t joke with his daily prayers. The king tried to still take his life for a very long time until one day he gave up and surrendered and said indeed you are wiser than the king.

This story has remained in my memory for more than ten years and counting. I hope my contest entry on my favorite childhood is interesting.

Thank you.


The picture at the beginning is digging up the childhood memories at the first sight.

 3 years ago 

Thanks a lot for sharing my friend!! I enjoy a lot reading your post!! It's beautiful!!

I am most grateful 🙏

 3 years ago 

A lovely story comes with a wonderful childhood memories.

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