Tangisan Bahagia Seorang Gadis || A Girl's Happy Cry

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Keesokan harinya, Sari masih berangkat ke sekolah meskipun dia tau tidak akan di izinkan untuk masuk kedalam kelas. Sudah hampir 4 bulan uang sekolah belum dibayarkannya. Ayahnya masih sakit dan ibunya hanya seorang penjual sayur keliling. Dua bulan lalu masalah tunggakan uang sekolah sudah diceritakan kepada ibunya. Ibunya hanya bisa mengatakan dia akan berusaha mencari uang dan jangan beritahu ayahnya agar tidak menjadi tambahan beban dalam pikirannya. Sari adalah anakyang baik, taat dalam menjalankan ajaran agamanya dan termasuk anak pintar di sekolahnya.

“Sari, kemari dulu nak !”, Buk Midah memanggil.
“(Menuju Buk Midah) Iya buk, maaf buk, saya hari ini belum bisa membayar uang sekolah!”, jawab Sari dengan nada sedih.
“Ibu bukan mau menagih uang sekolah,nak. Kamu salah satu yang pintar dalam Bahasa Inggris, jadi Ibu sudah memilih kamu dan dua orang lainnya untuk di seleksi menjadi wakil sekolah kita kedalam kompetisi debat berbahasa Inggris tingkat Provinsi dua bulan lagi. Kamu mau kan?”, Buk Midah menjelaskan sambil memegang pundak Sari.
“Tentu Bu, saya mau. Tapi, saya belum membayar uang sekolah!” Sari masih memikirkan uang sekolahnya.
“Kepala sekolah mengatakan, jika ada siswa yang berhasil memenangi lomba maka uang sekolahnya akan di gratiskan selama 6 bulan. Ibu berharap kamu bersemangat dan berusaha.
“Tentu buk, saya akan beruaha. Terimakasih buk”, Sari memeluk Buk Midah.

Persiapan menuju kompetisi debat berbahasa Inggris tingkat Provinsi dimulai. Ketiga anak yang dipilih oleh Buk Midah mengikuti seleksi dengan penuh semangat. Tentu saja Sari adalah yang paling semangat mengikutinya. Apalagi bagi Sari ini adalah kesempatan untuk bisa membayar tunggakan uang sekolahnya. Dia juga ingin meringankan beban orangtuanya. Dengan tekun dan penuh perhatian, Sari mengikuti setiap arahan Buk Midah selama mengikuti persiapan lomba debat berbahasa Inggris.

“Anak-anak, terimakasih telah mengikuti persiapan kompetisi debat berbahasa Inggris ini. Hari ini akan Ibu sampaikan siapa yang akan menjadi wakil sekolah kita”. Buk Mida menjelaskan.

Suasana hening terasa sesaat dan ketegangan terlihat diwajah ketiga gadis kecil itu. Tak terkecuali dalam diri Sari. Sari terus berdoa didalam hatinya, ingatannya teringat kepada ayahnya yang sakit dan tidak bisa bekerja dan kepada Ibuya yang setiap hari selalu berkeliling menjual sayur meski panas dan hujan. Dia terus berdoa agar terpilih dan berkesempatan menjadi wakil sekolahnya untuk kompetisi debat itu.

“(suasana hening pecah oleh suara Buk Midah) Berdasarkan hasil seleksi dan pengamatan Ibuk terhadap perkembangan kalian selama seleksi dan persiapan, maka telah diputuskan bahwa yang akan menjadi wakil sekolah kita adalah Sari !”.

Sari terkejut saat namanya disebut, seketika teman-temannya memberi ucapan selamat dan berpesan agar Sari terus mempersiapkan diri sampai kompetisi dimulai nanti. Tidak lpa merka mendoakan Sari agar bisa menang nanti. Mereka adalah ana-anak yang baik dan sportif. Mereka berpelukan.

Waktu berlalu, sampailah kepda hari perlombaan. Sebelum berangkat, Sari meminta izin kepada orangtuanya. Ayahnyayang terbaring lemah ditempat tidur mengelus kepala Sari dengan lembut.
“Ayah doakan Sari bia melakukan yang terbaik nanti”, kata ayah Sari sambil tersenyum.
Sari hanya memeluk ayahnya. Tiba-tiba dari belakang ibunya juga memeluk Sari.
“Kami hanya bisa mendoakan mu, nak!”, bisik ibunya.

Sari menghadapi kompetisi yang sangat ketat. Semua peserta memiliki kemampuan berpikir dan berbahasa Inggris yang sama baiknya. Mereka mengeluarkan kemampuan terbaiknya dalam kompetisi itu. Semua yang menyaksikan terkagum-kagum dengan para peserta. Hingga akhirnya tersisa 3 orang peserta yang terus bersaing ketat. Sari memberikan seluruh kemampuan terbaiknya. Teman-temannya yang menyaksikan kompetisi itu juga terus memberi semangat dan doa untuk Sari.

Ketua panitia kompetisi debat telah mengambil posisi diatas panggung. Dia bersiap mengumumkan para pemenang. Sari, guru-gurunya dan teman-temannya menunggu pengumuman dengan penuh harap. Mereka semua berdoa dan terus berdoa.

“Hadirin yang berbahagia. Tibalah saatnya saya bacakan hasil penilaian dewan juri. Pemenang lomba debat berbahasa Inggris tahun ini adalah Sari Rahmawati dari SMA Bakti tulus, di posii kedua dan ketiga adalah Pandu Wijaya dari SMA Nusa satu dan Lila Rahmawati dari SMA Maju Jaya ”, panitia membacakan hasil kompetisi.

Seketika sorak-sorai dan tepuk tangan brgea diruangan itu. Sari menangis seketika namanya disebut. Ingatannya tertuju kepada ayah dan ibunya. Teman-teman dan gurunya bersuka cita dan memeluk Sari. Air mata bahagia mengalir di kedua pipinya.

@belenguerra, @writingnreviews & @fendit

English Version

The next day, Sari still went to school even though she knew she would not be allowed to enter the classroom. It has been almost 4 months the school fees have not been paid. His father is still sick and his mother is just a traveling vegetable seller. Two months ago the problem of school fees arrears had been told to his mother. Her mother could only say she would try to make money and not tell her father so as not to be an additional burden on his mind. Sari is a good child, obedient in carrying out her religious teachings and is one of the smartest children in her school.

"Sari, come here first son!", Buk Midah called.
"(Towards Bu Midah) Yes, Mom, sorry ma'am, I can't pay school fees today!", replied Sari in a sad tone.
"I don't want to collect school fees, son. You are one of the smartest in English, so I have chosen you and two other people to be selected to represent our school in the English-language debate competition at the Provincial level in two months. Do you want it?”, Buk Midah explained while holding Sari's shoulder.
"Of course ma'am, I will. But, I haven't paid the school fees yet!” Sari is still thinking about her school fees.
“The principal said that if a student wins the competition, the tuition fee will be free for 6 months. I hope you are excited and trying.
"Sure boo, I'll try. Thank you buk”, Sari hugged Buk Midah.

Preparations for the Provincial level English debate competition have begun. The three children chosen by Buk Midah participated in the selection with great enthusiasm. Of course, Sari was the most eager to follow him. Moreover, for Sari this is an opportunity to be able to pay the arrears of school fees. He also wanted to lighten the burden on his parents. Diligently and attentively, Sari followed Buk Midah's directions during the preparation for the English debate competition.

“Kids, thank you for participating in the preparation of this English debate competition. Today I will tell you who will be the representative of our school”. Buk Mida explained.

There was a moment of silence and tension appeared on the faces of the three little girls. Sari is no exception. Sari continued to pray in her heart, her memory reminded of her father who was sick and could not work and to her mother who every day always went around selling vegetables even though it was hot and raining. He continued to pray that he would be elected and have the opportunity to represent his school for the debate competition.

"(The silence was broken by Buk Midah's voice) Based on the selection results and her observation of your progress during the selection and preparation, it has been decided that Sari will be the representative of our school!".

Sari was surprised when her name was called, her friends immediately congratulated her and advised her to continue preparing until the competition started. They didn't forget to pray for Sari so she could win later. They are good and sporting children. They hug each other.

Time passed, it came to race day. Before leaving, Sari asked her parents for permission. Her father, who was lying on the bed, gently stroked Sari's head.

"Father, I pray that Sari can do her best in the future," said Sari's father with a smile.
Sari just hugged her father. Suddenly from behind his mother also hugged Sari.
"We can only pray for you, son!", whispered his mother.

Sari faces very tough competition. All participants have the ability to think and speak English equally well. They brought out the best in the competition. Everyone who watched was amazed by the participants. Until finally there were 3 participants who continued to compete fiercely. Sari gave all her best. Her friends who witnessed the competition also continued to encourage and pray for Sari.

The chairman of the debate competition committee has taken his position on the stage. He was getting ready to announce the winners. Sari, her teachers and friends waited for the announcement with great anticipation. They all prayed and kept on praying.

“Happy guests. It was time for me to read out the results of the jury's assessment. The winner of this year's English debate competition is Sari Rahmawati from SMA Bakti sincere, in the second and third positions are Pandu Wijaya from SMA Nusa Satu and Lila Rahmawati from SMA Maju Jaya ", the committee read out the results of the competition.

Instantly cheers and applause brgea in the room. Sari cried when her name was called. His memory goes to his father and mother. Her friends and teachers rejoiced and hugged Sari. Happy tears streamed down her cheeks.
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Thanks for sharing my friend!

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