Please Say Yes : Original Poem by @elimy

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago


You held me so tight last night
And told me not to cry
That you will always be here for me
I won't forget that night

You brought me close to you
I was close to your heart
We embraced each other together
And promised never to leave each other
You gave me a deep kiss to seal our love

When your lips made mine
My body lose control
I can't hold myself
You held me in your arms
I will keep on loving you till my last breathe

Our love was so strong
I can't get you off my mind
No one has loved me like you do
When you touch me
I feel love

Sometimes tears of joy flow down my cheek
My heart beats with joy
I can't wait to make you my wife
If only you will say yes

One day we shall be called husband and wife
I can't wait for that day
It will be a special moment in my life
You are so much more to me
I love you with all my heart

Please just say yes
I don't want to share my life with anyone except you
I want you to be the mother of my child
I want to share my love with you alone
You are my better half.


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