Book review : the ass has no brains

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

Hi steemians, today stay with me as I take you to the animal world from the Indian folktales : panchatantra

The ass has no brain
There was this old lion living in a forest. He was the king of the forest. But he was very old and had no strength in his bones to hunt for food. Which made him very weak because he was always hungry. He had to find a way to survive or else he will die, if he can't find a way to get food. The lion after thinking for something decided that for him to be able to survive he needs an assistant who would find him food everyday and since he was the king of the forest it was not difficult to get one. And among all the animals he decided it would be the fox, the fox was the only animal the lion thought would best suit the position.



He sent for the fox. He told the fox, he wants him as his minister, he wants the fox to help him in running the affairs of the forest and would also be Incharge of bringing him food everyday and his first duty was to bring him food. Dough the fox didn't trust the lion's motives but he couldn't refuse the kings orders and he has to accept the position. He told the king he is very happy to be chosen and he would do as he says. The fox left to bring food for the lion on his way he met a very fat ass, with a motive in mind he quickly went to the ass. He told the ass the king want to speak to him and he has been looking for him for days now. The ass asked if there was any problem because he was afraid of the lion, he was scared the lion would eat him up and didn't want to go..

The fox being smart told the ass he had hidden qualities and the lion wants him to be his minister, he told the ass his was very lucky to be chosen and not someone else. The ass was convinced by the fox and followed him to see the lion. When they got to the lion the ass was so afraid that he had to ran for his life before the lion even met. The hungry lion was so furious that, he thought the fox was playing tricks on him. The lion told the fox he would kill him if he doesn't bring him food.

The fox went to the ass again. The fox asked the ass why he ran away. The ass told him he got scared the lion will eat him. The fox laughed, he told the ass if the lion wanted to kill him he would have since he could not run faster than the lion. The fox told the ass the lion wanted to tell him a secret he wants no one to know about. The ass was fooled again, he followed the fox back to the lion's den but this time round the fat ass couldn't escape and was killed by the lion.

The fox thought to himself, he had done the hardwork in bringing the fox to be killed and deserve the best part of the meat, as the lion sat to eat, the fox convinced the lion to take a bath before he eats. The lion agreed to bath, and after the lion returned the lion noticed the brain of the ass was missing since he had planned to eat it first. he asked the fox. The fox knowing that he has eating the brain told the lion the ass has no brains. The lion asked why, he told the lion, that if the ass had any brains he would not have come back the second time to be killed.

 3 years ago 

Thank you for sharing in Writing and Reviews! We appreciate a lot your engagement with this community.

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Thank you for your perseverance, dedication and for sharing what is born in your imagination with all of us.

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Wow thank I'm glad my work have not been left unnoticed

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