Flash Contest: Selfies and Stories: All is Lost by @clarence25

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago
It all started one day when young Clarence of about 20 passed an army exam and was sent for training. Before living, his parents were excited because joining the military was the most honourable and a highly respected profession in the land of Annie-Nation, a country of peace, hard work and Honesty. His father advised him to stay out of trouble no matter what and to learn not to trust so easily. While his mother had him kneel before her and she prayed for him begging God to protect her son, for the hearts of men are wicked. She prayed that he be blessed. After that brief session with his parents, he departed to the training field.

The Training Ground

Arriving the training ground, Clarence met other trainees older and younger, he made a friend by name Marck. Together they brought out the best in them for together they were an unstoppable force. As together, so many missions were conquered.
However, messages of good health and how pleasant the camp was and how he will over come his problems and how he will pray to God for every mission he'd go to, were sent to his parents alongside some money to help assist them while at home.
Not long, the country was in trouble and Okoledum, a town in the western part of the Annie-Nation, was the most affected and it was the area where the parents of Clarence were.
Clarence being a good patriot opted to be one of the soldiers to be sent to fight this terrorists, alongside his friend and trusted colleague Marck.
While set for mission, the soldiers received a news that most houses in Okoledum have be burnt by these terrorists including that of Clarence's parents.

The Battle Field

Having this information, the commander didn't tell Clarence for fear of him disobeying orders given by his superiors in order to make room for revenge.
So the soldiers departed for battle.
While in battle, some lives were saved from the terrorists, some soldiers died as well as terrorists too and captured. Clarence together with Marck, made contact with Ramshackle Gabana, the leader of the terrorist group. It was a bloody fight as Marck was shot in the process of preventing his friend for getting shot. When Clarence saw his dying friend, he pulled out his gun from behind, leaving out 15 bullets in the chest of Ramshackle Gabana, thereby dropping him dead. When Clarence tried helping his friend survived, Marck's last words to him were your parents... Your parents are dead. He gave up the ghost. Tears flowing down the cheeks of Clarence as cried like a baby for all was lost.
As Clarence carried his friend on his back taking him to the camp, Enanga-zarandy, the right hand man to Ramshackle Gabana, left 5 bullets in the chest of Clarence where he dropped dead and Enanga-zarandy, trying to escape was caught by a stray bullet.
Fortunately for Clarence, he woke up to find out that it was a dream. In getting to the parlour, he saw his mother and father, he greeted and hugged them with joy that they have never seen on him before. For he was so happy he took this pic.

But while the joy was going on, breaking news hitting the their ears was that, the 4wallation terrorist group has attacked Annie-Nation from the North. This changes the mood of Clarence as he wonders could my dream becoming a reality??

The end

I call on @metugejacy20, @ijelady and @davidad to join me in this beautiful contest.

 3 years ago 

Interesting story,
my friend. Thank you very much for participating.

Thanks sir

 3 years ago (edited)

Hi @clarence25

Very interesting this way in which Paula loves.

You have entry No. 30 in the weekly contest: Who does Paula fall in love with?

Buena historia amigo por suerte para el fue un mal sueño, pero ahora queda la incertidumbre si pudiese hacerse realidad, mucha suerte y bendiciones para ti

gracias querido

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