CONTEST ENTRY: My Favourite Children's Story

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

Namaste everyone. Greetings from India 🇮🇳 ☺️

I consider myself lucky enough to have been born in the 90s. Why do I say so? Because there were no fancy digital gadgets during my upbringing. Colour T.V., Computer video games, Mobiles, Smartphones came much later.

As such stories and fables narrated by my parents, my grandparents (especially my maternal grandmother) were a rich source of entertainment for me as I was growing up.

This is my CONTEST ENTRY for “My Favourite Children’s Story”. I thank @writingnreviews, @belenguerra and @fendit for creating such an amazing contest in this community which is helping us recall our childhood.


Here is a story that I am sharing with you #Steemians because I think this is one of the best stories that I have been told. Enjoy.

Q: Who told me the story?

I don't remember who told me this story for the first time. Either of my parents did for sure. But I remember my father narrating this story very recently with reference to some incident.

Q: If I remember more or less how old I was then?

I think I was about 4-5 years old when I was told this story for the first time.

Q: What teaching did it leave you?

It teaches us that --- "Size doesn't matter. What matters is how much Heart and Courage you have shown"

Q: Summarize in a paragraph what the story is about

Here it is ------

The story is about two brothers named Kana and Kuja. They were specially abled since their birth. While Kana, the elder one, was visually challenged, Kuja, the younger brother, suffered from congenital scoliosis (bent vertebral column since birth). They earned their bread and butter by begging. During their walk, Kana supported Kuja due to his leaning physical posture and Kuja led visually weak Kana through the village roads he was well versed with.

One day they were late while returning back home. Soon it was pitch dark in the evening and Kuja did not know which way to go. So they decided to stay overnight at a roadside cottage. When they knocked, nobody responded. Eventually they found out that the owner wasn’t there. Both Kana and Kuja entered the cottage and locked themselves inside.

At midnight, they heard someone trying to open the door. It was a Demon who lived in that house. Kana and Kuja were a little frightened but never out of their breath.

Hearing a little murmur inside, the Demon shouted, “Aye, who’s in my house?”

Gathering enough courage after gulping down the last bit of cough, Kana replied – “It is us?”

Demon: “Who are you?”

Kana: “It is me, Kana and my brother Kuja, We are humans. Who are you?”

Demon: I am a Demon. I went out in search of food and found nothing. Now I am very hungry and sleepy. Open the door and go away or I shall eat you both.”

Kana knew that opening the door meant it was their last night on this world. So he decided to play a trick.

Kana: “You are a Demon? Hahaha. How can we believe you?” (Kuja was surprised to see Kana laughing at such a juncture of their life. He too laughed nervously to support his brother).

Demon: “What? Wait.” (The devil plucked off a sharp canine tooth from his jaws and flung it inside the cottage through a clerestory window).

Kuja picked up the tooth and handed it over to Kana. Kana felt the sharpness of the tooth which could rip off flesh easily.

Now, while on their daily walk, Kana had a habit of picking things up that he could feel with his bare foot and Kuja identified them for him. Kuja often tells him not to pick those items unnecessarily and fill up their sack bag. He picks up items like pieces of wood, bamboo sticks, nails and what not? On that day, Kana had picked up a bone of a cow and a jute rope, inspite of his younger brother asking him not to do so.

Kana then threw the cow bone outside and told the Demon, “This is my tooth.” The Demon was shocked. He then tore off a long strand of hair and flung it inside with anger. “This is my long hair.”

Again, Kana was lucky to match it with his jute rope and he threw it outside. “This is my hair. More longer and thicker than yours.”

The Demon was speechless. He eyes grew bigger in shock. He feared that the two humans can easily finish him up. Fearing for his life, he ran away.

In the morning, Kana and Kuja went home happily and had a rest day. Again from the next day, they continued their daily journey begging across the village and back home.

That's all folks. I don't know if you enjoyed it or not but I definitely did, even while writing this to you. Meanwhile Steem On.


CC: @writingnreviews, @belenguerra, @fendit, @steemcurator01, @steemcurator02, @steemcurator03

This is also my first post in this Community.

 3 years ago 

Great story my friend! I agree with you, the 90s (and time before them) let us have contact with a different kind of teaching, far from the digital world.

Thanks a lot for sharing such a beautiful story!!

Pleasure is all mine. 🙏😊

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