Paranormal experiences

As a child, I found that I could predict what was going to happen the next day. I would tell my friends and they would say that I was lying. Now that I'm older, I realize there were other people who had these abilities as well, however most of them have learned to ignore this ability.


My mom told me this story when i was about 3 years old. She woke up in the middle of the night because someone had shaken her shoulder pretty hard. She looked around and saw a little boy sitting on her bed with his hands over her eyes. At first she thought it was my brother just messing around but then she realized that it wasn't my brother at all. my brother was lying in his bed. She told my dad about it and he said that I had just crawled into the bed, but my mom said that she remembered pushing me out of the bed. My mom woke up again at 2 in the morning and saw a ghostly figure standing over her bed with his head bowed.

One night, when i was 4 years old, i woke up to see a man laying on my stomach with his hands over my eyes again. I screamed for a few seconds and then told him to stop it. He stood up next to my bed and then walked through it into another room where my mom was sleeping. He tried waking her up so say ''hi'' to me but she didn't respond. She said she couldn't see him at all. When he finally left, I woke up to see my mom sitting at the end of the bed with a happy look on her face. She said ''you were right about that young man''.

I'm not sure if this is a normal childhood event or if it's something I should be worried about.

I'm in my early twenties now and have never had any issues with seeing or hearing ghosts. However, my friends say that i talk to myself a lot and when they went to check on me, I would be sitting there staring at nothing in particular. My mom says that she thinks it's because I feel like there is someone there. The most recent thing to happen was that i would be sitting at the computer with no one around me and then suddenly feel like someone was talking to me, asking what i was doing. I would respond but I don't think that anyone was really there.

I'm going to ask my dad to tell me what he thinks about all of this. I want to know if it's normal for a young child to see things like ghosts and then wish they could talk to them and have them talk back.

I don't really believe in the idea of spirits, ghosts, etc. I know that all these things are real but my mom has always told me that when you reach a certain age (obviously not just a ''certain'' age) you start remembering things from your past that may or may not be true. She said that I was remembering things that happened to me when I was 4 years old. She says that I had a friend and now she's gone.

I think it's high time for someone to tell me what they think about this whole thing.
Thank you for your time.

@belenguerra @fendit


Un poco controversial tu historia amigo, no había escuchado de nadie con tus habilidades.


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