How to become an entrepreneur by hard working

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago


The life story of a fish monger entrepreneur

ME: Mama, how much does it take to cut a fish?
Mama: 25-30 rupees (25 on average)

ME: How many fish do you cut a day?
Mama: 350 = (350 on average)

ME: 350 * 25 = 8750 taka (daily)
24 days * 8750 tk. = 2,10,000 tk (monthly)

We live in a country where we will work like donkeys all month for a job with a salary of Rs 6,000. At the end of the day, I will be threatened by the boss, but I will not quit my job. I will not be able to leave this 8/10 thousand taka job and do any work for fear of self-respect. Our prestige issue is much bigger than 8/10 thousand. Well now if the question is why are you studying for long 15-20 years of life? Say; Respect, for knowledge! Just think! Are you selling my hard-earned respect and knowledge? A little money. Gaining so much knowledge if I have no value in respecting your knowledge in front of a small amount of money. Then what is the difference between the man who cuts the fish and me. We live in a country where people will respect you when they see money. Not by looking at your knowledge !! Earn money and get respect. Be entrepreneurial. Don't tell who is unemployed. Get 10 rupees per kg of fish. From this money GRP has to pay 100 rupees every day. Otherwise, they are not allowed to sit next. Asked whether he would seek medical treatment if he cut his hand while cutting fish, he said, "We are poor people." Treat us again! When I cut my hands, I wash them with water and spit. That's how it gets better.

Their job is to cut fish. They call themselves 'machakataiya'. There is no fish market in the capital Dhaka where these fishermen are not found. In the busy life of the capital Dhaka, just as there is not enough time to cut fish, the task of cleaning and scaling a fish for 10 to 20 rupees is done. This is because the covering on the skin of wet hands is lifted. It infects the skin layer. As a result, the gaps and other parts of the finger become red and itchy. It is important to get medical treatment and rest at this time. Remember time does not stop for anyone, if you work hard your time will give you everything.

Whatever the word, the faithful servant did as the master said. The band came to the owner to play the instrument with the party. Then the businessman gave him a cloth bundle and the condition was that the employee should never open that bundle. He should take care of this doll and keep it with him and start the business by buying the rest of the goods from tomorrow. After a while the businessman said you go now and tell people I'm getting a lot of money from the owner!

There was a successful businessman in a small town. He earned a lot of money by working hard in an honest way. One of his loyal employees was with him from the beginning of his success. One day the faithful servant told his master that you have a lot of wealth and I have been with you for a long time. Give me some money I want to do business myself now.

An instructive story for the lives of businessmen

On hearing this, the businessman said happily, "You are not only my faithful servant for many days, but also my friend. I will help you." Then the businessman said, "Do something. Say you are going to bring capital from me. The loyal employee listened to everything and went on to say accordingly, I have brought a lot of money from the owner. The funny thing happened the next day, as soon as the employee did not go to the market, the small traders were giving him the rest of the goods, some wanted to be with him, some were paying in advance. Because everyone knew that this employee started the business with a lot of money because his owner was the biggest businessman.

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