The Father (2020) Movie Review

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

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The Father is a film directed by Florian Zeller which is starred by both Anthony Hopkins and Olivia Colman, it was released in 2020 and recently Anthony Hopkins won an oscar as a best actor. We could say that we know Hopkins a little bit since he has already acted a lot of times in important films for example he acting as Hannibal Lecter in Silence of the Lambs which is recognized as a must-watch film nowadays. I don´t know Olivia Colman too much but she has done good jobs at acting too, everyone says she is a great actress and I can agree to that watching her performance in The Father.

The Father tells us the story of Anthony, an old man who is having difficulties living his life because of memory issues so he kind of mixes events that had happened in his life, his world is a mess and we can see Anthony is not in good shape, his daughter takes care of him and the entire film boards the conflict of his daughter Anne, if she takes him to a nursing home or not, but it´s not that easy, if she doesn´t take him to the nursing house she´ll waste her entire life but she doesn´t want to leave him alone either, in the end, what will Anne do? If you want to know I recommend you to watch it, The Father it´s a solid film.

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As I mentioned before, Florian Zeller is the director of this film but he isn´t a director only, he can takes roles such as screenwritter, this is appreciable due The Father since this is a well written film, in The Father we watch the film as Anthony, meaning that we take participation in his distorted world, watching scenes that contradict each other due to the memory issue, this way we can see how complicated can be the life of an old man. As I mentioned earlier, The Father also revolves around the internal conflicts of Anne since she wants to live her own life but actually can´t since she has to take care of his father, the emotional conflict between these two is actually good and you can feel empathy for the both of them, you can understand how hard their situation are.

The Father is a film which is kind of fragmented between scene without being too complicated to understand, since we watch the film in the eyes of Anthony is actually understandable and I think this was the best method to tell the story, the film makes us to make the connections by ourselves and what is actually going on, however it´s nothing that complex, you can understand everything from the begining, some scenes will seem to make no sense but the whole movie explains everything so it´s better not to be frantic and wait to the film to take its time.

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In Summary, I think The Father it´s a very cool film which teaches the hard life of and oldman with memory issues, and not only that, we can actually watch the struggle of his daughter Anne, making us see nothing it´s that simple and even more in situations like that, the ending of the film has to be one of the best thing about this whole movie, it´s realistic without being something dark or too colorful, I didn´t watch too many films in 2020 to be honest so I can´t say if it´s the best one but don´t be fooled, it´s a great movie, it lasts around an hour and a half so it´s perfect to watch when we got a free time. Take into account that Hopkins won an oscar due to his aweome acting in this film so watching this movie is worth it, it´s amazing too watch someone that old wining an oscar, this shows us the age is not an impediment to achieve great goals, Anthony Hopkins is actually 87 years old so congratulations to him.

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