The Conjuring: The Warren Files (2013) Review

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

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I have to say that I had a good expectation of this film and having already watched it a few days ago, I can say that this will be the last time I have hope in a product based on the universe of The Conjuring, since it ended up disappointing me a lot, which is a shame because everyone says this movie is the best in the entire franchise, however it seemed more of the same to me.

The Conjuring is the first film in the franchise and was directed by James Wan himself, this director has an interesting filmography from things like Saw or even Aquaman from DC that resulted in high success for its studio. The film tells the story of a family that buys a house and over time they find out that the house needs to be exorcised because an evil entity is in possession of it, the family hires some exorcists and that is how they will try to help the family, this is supposedly based on a true story.

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I don't have much to say about it, but if I had to mention some good things, I would say that the technical section is good, I like that they did not saturate the color gamut to make the film feel more sinister than it is, just like They did it with Annabelle. However, more than a good thing is a preference, but I can I say I enjoyed it.

The characters are more of the same, I mean, it's the same thing you could expect from a production of this franchise, except that all the characters are forgettable and one-dimensional, the only two that I can highlight are the two exorcists and yet, being so important to the plot, their characters are uninteresting, not ironically I think that the previous films had at least a more interesting cast.

This particular film breaks a bit with what it has built since The Nun and there are some flaws in the timelines or certain events, it becomes somewhat confusing if you watched the previous ones. Actually, under the standards of this franchise, the first movie of The Conjuring seems quite inferior to me and to say that I think is quite degrading, since it is not like this franchise is characterized by having high quality quotas, in short, I consider that It's OK to watch it if you like these types of movies or if you want to watch it with someone, otherwise I would not recommend watching it unless you are a masochist like me.

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The Good:

  • Good technical section, but nothing outstanding.

The Bad:

  • Boring plot.

  • Bad and forgettable characters.

  • Boring design for the evil entity.

  • The context of why the house is infested by an evil entity is uninteresting.

  • Awful pacing.

 3 years ago (edited)

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 3 years ago 

Thank you for sharing in Writing and Reviews! We appreciate a lot your engagement with this community.

We’d love to hear more from you!!


 3 years ago 

Saludos Ángel.

Excelente publicación y te comprondo en su totalidad... Fíjate, yo la vi en el cine cuando se estrenó en el cine y al finalizar, salí decepcionada de esa sala. Año y medio después, en la universidad me asignaron una tarea para analizarla y aplicando la triada de Pearce acompañada de otras particularidades semiótica, la decepción fue peor jejeje.

De esa franquicia, te podría decir que solo me gustó la segunda parte y de no haber sido por esa, diría que dañaron la franquicia que prometía dar muchísimo más

 3 years ago 

Buenas, gracias por pasarte por acá amiga, me parece curioso que en la universidad se te haya dado el deber de analizarla jajaja, a mí aún me falta ver La Llorona, El Conjuro 2 y 3, además de Annabelle 3, así que deséame suerte, le tendré algo de expectativas a la 2 ya que fue de tu agrado, saludos.

 3 years ago 

Jajajaja, es que estudié Comunicación Social y en una materia llamada Audiovisuales, hubo esa actividad fílmica.

De las que mencionaste, solo me falta ver La Llorona... Y si te deseo mucha suerte jajajaja aunque en El Conjuro 2, tal vez si sientas empatía.

Cuando las veas y escribas por acá, será un gustazo volver a leerte.

Saludos y bendiciones

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