Sicario (2015) Movie Review

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago



Denis Villeneuve is a director who gives a lot to talk about, I don´t know him at all but I know people who have watched his films and they don´t end convinced about his jobs, however, there are many other people who acclaim Denis Villeneuve saying that he is one of the most importants director in this era, it can´t be denied that he has made interesting films like Blade Runner 2049 and that his work has reached many people, recently I watched Sicario, a film by this same director, what did I think of it?

Being totally honest, I didn´t like Sicario, it felt very boring, I know there is a lot of people who say that it is a must-watch but it didn´t resonate with me, perhaps because the subject of drug trafficking is something that doesn´t attract my attention at all and in general terms it is a cliche thing more if you live in certain places from Latin America as I do, in short, I tried to like it and I did an effort paying attention but I didn´t enjoy it and I don´t feel there is any reason why I didn´t like it.

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Sicario has good things by its own, for example, the film makes a good effort to recreate certain places and areas of the border between Mexico and the United States, the recreation is good enough and I have to say that the whole issue of drug trafficking is well handled, Sicario shows us an impartial vision of drug trafficking where the United States are not painted as the greatest heroes of all time, we can see how the people who are involved in this world tend to lose their humanity after the passage of time and how the families of said people run a very serious danger without even having done something wrong since once you enter that territory having a family, it is most likely that your family will be monitored until you die.

I like that the protagonist has her own vision of the world and things but that corruption is presented in a realistic way and as much as you have good intentions that will not be enough, since we are talking about the protagonist, I have to admit that her performance is competent And in general all the performances of the film seemed good and competent to me, it is interesting to see how the moral of our protagonist is put into play many times and to feel her frustration when seeing how her good intentions are not enough to change the world, this is You can see explicitly in the final scene and the truth is that the whole thing was very interesting to me, the film makes you question to what extent brute force is justifiable since in the process several lives can be taken just for the purpose of the means .

Summing up a little bit of what I just said, Sicario doesn´t seem like a bad movie to me, dealing with the issues it handles, it is quite competent and has some very interesting things, however the issue of drug trafficking bores me, I tried to do everything possible to like it but I failed in the attempt, however, if you like this type of movies I would tell you to take a look, it is something that I could recommend if the subject of drug trafficking seems interesting to you but on the other hand, if you are someone like me, the movie will probably not be very interesting to you.

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