in Writing & Reviews โ€ข 3 years ago (edited)

Good day this is my first post in this community I am really excited talking about my favorite book character.

During my school days I enjoyed reading this novel tittled THE TEMPEST



My favorite character there was Prospero,


who gets betrayed by his younger brother, Antonio, and the king of Naples, he was abandoned in a small boat without any provisions and left to perish far out at sea. Prospero has always been a lover of magic and, fortunately, a loyal friend of his secretly puts provisions for him and his small daughter in the boat and also his books on magic. The boat lands on an enchanted island. It was enchanted by a witch, Sycorax. Spirits were entrapped in trees by the witch. The witch dies shortly before Prospero and his daughter, Miranda, are cast upon the island. With the help of his books on magic, Prospero frees the spirits and employs one of them, Ariel, as his chief servant. Prospero is even kind to the ugly, ape-like Caliban, son of the witch whom he finds on the island. He teaches him to speak.

Prospero and his young daughter live in a large cave on the island. He dotes on his beautiful, virtuous daughter and she on him. One day, he finds that a ship carrying his own enemies in sailing towards the island. He has his spirits conjure up a tempest so that they are cast upon the island but do not die. Prospero could have arranged it so they would have died, but he shows compassion and later forgives them totally for what they did to him. His good and noble nature so impresses them that they become remorseful and repent of their evil deeds. They are all reconciled and Prospero even approves of the marriage of his beloved Miranda to Ferdinand, the son of the King of Naples, his old enemy. His spirit servant, Ariel, longs for freedom and Prospero releases him from his service. Prospero also shows good sense when he decides to bury his magic books and wand, now that all are happy.
His great sense of humor taught me how to forgive whosoever that wrong me and never to pay evil for evil.

Thanks For Reading.
Special Mention.

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