If you succeed in life, everyone will be behind you

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Those who are despising you for not having your position today, try to achieve something big tomorrow, they will be the first to greet you!
If you give a message today, the person will stay away from replying to the message; Don't get time to "Seen" the message; If you can achieve something big tomorrow; That person will be the first to give the message "Congratulations"!

So not behind someone’s inbox; Turn your back on yourself to achieve something big. No one is behind; Rather, go back to creating your own position and rank. You see, the whole world is waiting for you!

People but don’t turn their backs on people; People turn around behind his position. But people don't care; People pay attention to people's position and status.

Writer Alvin Wales

 3 years ago 

Eso es triste pero muy cierto, de hecho, por experiencia propia en un par de oportunidad me tocó vivir esto... Se acercaron a mi cuando llegué a mi meta pero antes, no creía en mi y me dieron la espalda. En vista de esto aprendí que quien no está conmigo desde el inicio, no merece estar cuando disfruto del éxito

 3 years ago 

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