in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

Greetings. Am glad to be a part of this beautiful contest. I want to thank @belenguerra and @fendit for this opportunity. Here's my short story with a twist involving a train, a dinosaur and an old woman with amnesia. I hope you enjoy my story.

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It was a beautiful snowy morning two days to Christmas Eve as Lelia sat on the train on her way home to spend Christmas with her family.

She was admiring the beautiful Christmas decorations and taking in the beauty of the environment when her thoughts wandered away. Other passengers where getting in to the train and taking their seats while Lelia seem to be lost in her world of thoughts. Lelia was battling a mixed feeling of excitement and pain as she sat waiting for the train to take off. She was excited to take some time off her work to be with her family during this special time of the year while on the other hand, she was imagining what her holiday would look like knowing she was going home to meet her grandma whom she just got the news that she was down with amnesia.

Lelia grandma Agnes is old and amnesia is a disease associated with old people. She was sad knowing that her grandma may not be able to recognize her anymore. Lelia has grown to be intimate with her grandmother Agnes from her childhood. She enjoyed spending so much time with her grandma as a little girl. Grandma Agnes would always tell Lelia beautiful stories of her experiences as a young girl and Lelia's imaginations always runs wild when grandma tell her those enchanting stories of her magical experiences.

Grandma Agnes as a young girl believed so much in fairy tales and the magical world. She would read a lot of books and stories about the fairy world and their magical beings. These made Lelia so attached to her grandma. As she sat on the train , she reminisced on one of her favorite stories which Grandma Agnes told her. On this fateful day, Grand ma Agnes bought an old magical fairy tale book from an antique shop and began to read it. She usually read her books in the woods behind their house.

The wood is quite and allows her Imaginations run wild while she reads. She read in the books about some magical incantations that would open her up to the magical world. She said the words out aloud three times and suddenly a little portal opened up in the air. Grandma Agnes was rather elated and inquisitive than afraid.

She put her hand through the portal and it went through. She brought back her hands and entered the portal and she was surprised at what she saw in the other realm. It was a beautiful world entirely different from what she knows. The trees were ever green and beautiful butterlies and fairies flying around. She has imagined what a fairy would look like and here she was in a fairy world. A beautiful fairy came up to her, smiled and whispered something to her and she could understand what it said. She followed the fairy with eyes wild with wonder.

The fairy got to a particular point and whispered something to her and disappeared. She was disappointed and at a loss on what do when suddenly she heard a faint cry behind her. She turn to see a beautiful baby dinosaur, lying on the floor.

It was very weak and couldn't walk. Agnes loved dinosaurs and loves to read about them. She couldn't believe she was actually seeing a dinosaur. She went to it to help it. She didn't know how to help but she remember the fairy told to her to make a wish whenever she wants something and she would have it. So she wished for food and water with which she fed the dinosaur. Then she wished for a beautiful cage and put the dinosaur in the cage with the intent of coming back to check on it again. She headed back home and when she got to where the portal appeared, she made her magical enchantments again and the portal reappeared and she passed through and went home. She was so excited that she wanted to share her experiences with her mother but she didn't listen to her tales. Her mother only said she was hallucinating and that all those books she reads were messing with her mind.

She was sad but kept them to herself. She continued visiting the magical world through her magical enchantments to take care of the dinosaur until it grew. She became friends with the dinosaur. She would always play with it and feed it daily. A time came as it continued to grow, it couldn't stay in the cage anymore because it has outgrown the cage. So Lelia had a code through which she called on the dinosaur. She would always make the sound on arrival and the dinosaur would come out and eat and play with her. She continued until the dinosaur was very strong and grew very big.

One fateful day she came around to the magical world, made her sound but the dinosaur didn't show up. She waited and waited but it was no where to be seen. She was sad and while she cried, the fairy appeared and told her that her mission was accomplished. She helped save the last dinosaur in their world as they were going extinct. The dinosaur was now ok and had to return to it's abode at the mountains of the fairy world. Agnes made her way home and that was the last time the portal opened up to her.

This was just one of the many magical experiences she had. She kept all these to herself. She wasn't able to share these beautiful experiences with anyone until her grand daughter Lelia was born. She loved Lelia so much as she was the only one whom she could share those experiences with and Lelia believed every single tale her grandma shared with her. Infact she would always persuade her grandma Agnes to tell her more and these bonded them together.

Lelia was awakened out of her thoughts as the train got to their destination. She was glad to be home. Even if she may not have the same relationship with her granny anymore, she cherished the times they spent together and she would always hold them dear in her heart. She was glad to be home and would enjoy every bit of her holiday with her grandma and family. She hoped to share grandma stories back to her and would love to see her reaction to her own excapades.

Thank you for visiting my blog. Hope you enjoyed my short story with a twist. You comments are welcomed.

 3 years ago 

Congrats on being one of the winners of this week!

We're glad that you're part of the Writing & Reviews family!


Thank you so much.

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