Personality Contest

in Writing & Reviews4 years ago (edited)

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Logical: “Creative! Hey! Wake up!”

Creative opens his eyes slowly and releases a loud yawn.

Creative: “Hmmm, what is it, what do you want now Logical?”

Logical: “Those lovely women from @witingandreviews on #Steemit, @fendit and @belenguerra have a new competition which I think we should enter!”

Creative: “Really? Let me see.”

Creative begins reading the competition rules.

Creative: “It says here we need to talk about three of us.”

Logical: “Yes, I think you and I would be perfect! Logical and Creative! We are sure to win!”

Competitive: “Win? Yes let’s win!”

Creative:“I don’t think we should include you in this competition, at least not directly”

Logical: “And why not?”

Creative: “Well, ummm, you aren’t the most appealing personality.”

Logical: “But I am essential to writing and getting things done around here”

Creative: “Yes, yes we all know that. Unfortunately readers don’t particularly find you interesting”

Logical:“I see. I think you have a point. That means we have to find another two personalities to accompany you.”

Creative:“I would like to add Thoughtful to the list. He always seems to be popular with everyone”

Logical:“Yes, yes I agree! Thoughtful come here.”

Competitive: “Oooooh I think this is a winning combination.”

Thoughtful: “Hi guys! What can I do for you? Tell me and I will do my best to help!”

Logical:“Thoughtful, we need you to apply with Creative for this competition.”

Thoughtful: “It will be my pleasure as always!”

Logical: “Fantastic! Now we just need to find a third.”

Thoughtful: “How about my twin brother, Sensitive? We always work great together.”

Logical: “I don’t think that would be a great idea. If we lose we will have to spend a long time trying to make him feel better.”

Creative: “Logical! Keep your voice down, he might hear you.”

Sensitive: “I heard that…”

Sensitive’s eyes begin to swell with tears.

Logical: “No, no please don’t do that again! Oh for God’s sake Sensitive.”

Sensitive becomes overwhelmed with emotions and releases his tears uncontrollably.

Logical: “Sensitive you can’t keep doing this every time someone says something critical about you!”

Critical: “Is it my turn?”

Logical: “No! Not you!”

Critical: “Anyway if you ask me, I think you guys are just going to screw this one up like the last competition. Complete disaster!”

Creative: “No one asked you!”

Critical: “Fine. I’ll be in the back discussing politics with Grumpy if you need me. Go ahead and lose another chance at some SP. ”

Competitive: “Lose? Why are we going to lose? I want more SP!!!”

Honest: “I believe I can be your savior. Everyone admires an honest personality.”

Logical: “Yes, Honest is a good personality trait.”

Cautious:“As long as he does not say too much. This is a public platform with thousands and thousands of people.”

Cautious begins to grow with each word.

Logical: “Oh no, Cautious please breathe.”

Cautious: “What if honest ends up talking about extremely personal things?”

Cautious starts turning and deforming in to his alter ego.

Creative: “Cautious calm down, you’re turning again.”

A loud voice calls out from the back.

Grumpy: “Which one of you idiots let Paranoia out?”

Critical: “Disaster I tell you!”

Logical: “Thoughtful! Please come take Cautious too before he completely turns into Paranoia.”

Honest: “Cautious calm down. I promise I won’t say anything too personal.”

Thoughtful leads Cautious to the back and continues to comfort him and Sensitive.

Logical: “Look, it has to be Honest, we don’t have many personalities here we can introduce to these people.”

Creative: “What about Philosopher?”

Logical: “Talks too much.”

Creative: “Humor?”

Logical: “Too risky.”

Critical walks by on his way to check what’s for lunch.

Critical: “DIS-A-STER!”

Logical: “Stop being so negative!”

Creative: “That’s it! Where is Positive?”

Logical: “Of coarse! He did great last year when we entered the 3 Positive Things 2020 Left You With competition”

Competitive: “Yes, yes, that one! The force is strong with that one. He win before.”

Logical: “So where is he?”

Grumpy: “He was boasting about 2021 being a better year! So, I put him away in a room with some material to read. We can’t have that kind of personality running around talking s%&*!”

Creative: “Oh God! Grumpy what have you done?”

Logical: “Thoughtful!!! Please go find Positive!”

Critical: “I told you... this is going to be a disaster.”

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