Set your own income criteria// think about this

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

There should be openness according to income

This picture Is captured my own personal mobile
Yes, a person's needs vary depending on his circumstances.

Therefore, the standard of openness is also different for every human being. Now, the person who has a low income has another standard of openness.

And the one who has a middle income has another standard, and the one who has a higher income has another standard of openness.

Therefore, there should be openness in terms of the quality of income of every person, not that the income of the poor husband is low.

On the other hand, the wife began to worry about copying the things she saw in the houses of rich people, and her husband began to order her.

There is no justification for such orders, but the husband should work openly considering his income.

And do not be stingy with your wife.

Wise people say ...
Spread as many feet as there are sheets.

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