Contest !! The poet of my heart: William Shakespeare

in Hot News Communitylast year
Hello Hot News Community

Hello friends this is @yourloveguru from India. Today I am going to participate in this beautiful contest which is organised by @cryptoloover . The name of this contest is Poet of My heart.


The poet of my heart is a person who speaks to me in ways that no one else can. They use words to paint pictures in my mind, and they express emotions that I never knew existed. They take me on a journey through their words, and I find myself transported to a world of magic and wonder. The poet of my heart is a source of inspiration, a voice of hope, and a reminder that even in the darkest moments, there is always light.

Which language do you use in literature and which language do you like for poetry?

I would like to express a preference for the English language in both literature and poetry. The English language is rich and diverse, with a vast vocabulary and the ability to express complex emotions and thoughts. It has a long history in the world of literature and poetry, with a rich tradition of writers and poets who have used the language to create works of art that have stood the test of time. The use of the English language in literature and poetry allows for a wide audience to be reached, as it is a widely spoken and understood language.


Furthermore, the English language has a versatility that makes it ideal for both literature and poetry. It allows for a range of styles, from the simplicity of haikus to the complexity of sonnets, and everything in between. It also has the ability to blend with other languages, creating a unique blend of cultures and traditions in the written word.

Who is your favourite poet in your language, write about him/her?

I would like to express a deep admiration for the works of William Shakespeare. Shakespeare is widely regarded as one of the greatest poets and playwrights in the English language, and his impact on literature and culture is immeasurable.

Photo of William Shakespeare.

Shakespeare's works are known for their depth and complexity, exploring themes of love, jealousy, power, and mortality. His mastery of language is evident in his poems, which are rich in metaphor and allusion, and in his plays, which are filled with memorable characters and quotable lines.

Shakespeare's plays have been performed on stages all over the world for hundreds of years, and his poems are still widely read and appreciated.

One of the things that makes Shakespeare's work so enduring is its timelessness. Despite being written hundreds of years ago, his works still resonate with audiences today, as the themes he explores are as relevant now as they were in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Photo of William Shakespeare.

Write about his popular poetry, books, lines, etc.

William Shakespeare is best known for his plays, but he also wrote a significant amount of poetry, including sonnets and longer narrative poems. Some of his most famous and well-loved poems include :

📒 Shakespeare's most famous poetry is his sonnets, a collection of 154 poems.

📒 The sonnets explore themes of love, beauty, mortality, and the passage of time, and are considered some of the greatest love poems in the English language.

📒 One of the most famous sonnets is Sonnet 18, which begins "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?" and is known for its celebration of the speaker's beloved.


📒 Another famous sonnet is Sonnet 29, in which the speaker laments his feelings of worthlessness and how the love of the subject makes him feel better.

📒 Shakespeare's poetry is also known for its intricate use of language, including puns, allusions, and wordplay, as well as its use of rhyme and meter.

📒 Shakespeare's poems continue to be widely read and studied, and their popularity and influence on literature and culture remain undiminished to this day.


In conclusion, William Shakespeare is a towering figure in the English language, and his impact on literature and culture is immeasurable. As a poet, he is best known for his sonnets, a collection of 154 poems that explore themes of love, beauty, mortality, and the passage of time. Shakespeare's mastery of language is evident in his poems, which are rich in metaphor and allusion, and his intricate use of language, including puns, allusions, and wordplay, continues to captivate readers and audiences.

I would like to invite @ngoenyi , @lavanyalakshman , @teukuipul87 to participate in this amazing contest.

Respected Admin and Mod of this community:


Thanks 🙏

 last year 

Thanks for participation in the contest ✅

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