The Interview Showcase #77- Exclusive Talk With a Spaniard traveller/ blogger

in Hot News Community8 months ago

Hi there,

Welcome to the 77th edition of “The interview showcase...." and my 1st show for 2024. This happens to be the last edition for the year 2023.

If you are new to this page, this lifestyle program has many educational values. A weekly interview of users in the blog concerning some trending topics on the Steemit platform. And tips that can help other Steemians to progress positively and help boost the Steem’s growth.

It will help you to get to know more about Steemians around the globe and even Steem and Steemit itself.

I take time to look at some of the most important topics in the blockchain and have a chat/call with Steemians who have a greater idea about those topics.

They also share some tips that can help other users understand the blockchain and correctly use it. Sometimes they seek valuable suggestions here to help them solve some of their challenges.

On this week's show, I managed to reach @kikenexum from Spain who has shown from his blog that he is a lover of creativity. He is a traveller and he always take time to write down few informations about the places he has visited for research purposes.

Unfortunately, he lost his father in death few weeks ago. On behalf of the Steemit community, I am sending my heartfelt condolences to you and your family.

Join me as I welcome @kikenexum from Spain to my show today!

@kikenexum's property

: Hello kike, It's my pleasure to have you on the Interview Showcase program today, how would you describe your experience on Steemit so far?

🔶Kikenexum : The truth is that Steemit has given me the opportunity to meet people from all countries, learn about their cities, their food or their religion. Additionally, I have found a way to be able to write about the places I visit and make the users who read it feel the same. I feel lucky to have found this decentralized Social Network.

: What has been your biggest achievement since you joined the Steemit platform ?

🔶Kikenexum : Well, I recently got my first dolphin, although honestly I'm not here to get a lot of Steem or SP, in fact everything I earn I power up. I simply feel good writing about my experiences or participating in contests in the communities to which I belong.

: How many countries have you visited, and which one is the best experience?

🔶Kikenexum : Egypt, Tunisia, Thailand, Jordan, Vietnam, Mexico, Dominican Republic, USA, Belgium, Italy, London, Principality of Monaco, Vatican... I don't know if I missed any😃. I have to say that I have not posted all of them on the platform. I'm going little by little since it takes time to create long trip posts. As for my favorite, each and every one has given me something special, a sunset, a special monument, its gastronomy, although if I have to choose one I would say Egypt.

: I am surprised, Nigeria is not included😃

: If you were to visit Africa to invest in a business, which one would you choose and why?

🔶Kikenexum : I really want to visit Madagascar, Zanzibar and Kenya, but if I were to open a business I could do it in any country in Africa that was not at war where I could help its people. Whenever I travel I try to stay in crazy people's hotels and shop in local stores to help the economy of the country I visit.

: You write a lot of Content on Lifestyle, do you want to tell me why you choose this as your niche?

🔶Kikenexum : The truth is that I feel like a privileged person and enormously grateful first because I was lucky to be born in my country (Spain) and second because as far as possible there is not much corruption, crime, wars, etc... Writing about this, It is a way of making those who read my posts and have not had the same luck see what there is in my country, what there is in the countries I visit and how big and beautiful the world can be.

: What has been your most successful post?

🔶Kikenexum : Well, I think precisely the last one I uploaded about Vietnam. Without a doubt it is an incredibly exotic country and so different from what we Europeans and Americans are used to seeing that many things are impressive. I always try to give all the data I remember in my posts so that the images I upload are well understood.

: Why do you think it was appealing?

🔶Kikenexum : People are attracted to the unknown. The countries of Southeast Asia are very different from what we know, and their mainly Buddhist culture and religion makes us curious about it, especially those of us who are Catholics and Muslims.

: Please Could you describe your writing process, from concept to publishing?

🔶Kikenexum : Whenever I write a post about one of my trips, first I visualize the photos that I am going to upload, then I think about the order in which that day or that excursion took place and then I develop the post while I intersperse the photographs. Then I prepare a nice cover and it would be ready.

: .How do you attract new readers to your blog?

🔶Kikenexum : Well, the truth is that I don't use any specific technique. I simply try to create quality posts. I also post in other communities in their contests and I think that helps other people notice my articles.

: Apart from the steemit world, is traveling part of your real life professional skill or just your hobby?

🔶Kikenexum : Traveling is just a hobby. I decide to make gearboxes for the vehicles of a well-known car brand full time. I work hard all year round to be able to take these trips that I like so much.*

: Do you think there are some areas in which users needs to work on in other to produce more quality content in the steemit ecosystem? , what's your advice to users for a better growth?

🔶Kikenexum : I'm sure all users are good at something. There are people who cook wonderfully, others travel and can teach creating that content for others like me, others understand cryptocurrencies or simply make magnificent things with their hands. Everyone has a place in Steemit and I think you just have to find the community in which you best fit and dedicate time to it. In the end it's all a matter of time to find yourself comfortable in one community or another.

: Which user or users would you like me to interview on my show?

🔶Kikenexum : Well, the truth is that I wanted to see the interviews with @alegnita or @hotspotitaly but I have seen them recently, in fact they were the ones who recommended me, so it would be nice to know more about @enrisanti.

: What do you like doing in your leisure?

🔶Kikenexum : Well, my life is very focused on sports. I practice many different sports. Some, like Snowboarding or diving, are seasonal (winter or summer) and then I have some more that I practice quite frequently like swimming, playing paddle tennis or paddle surfing.

: What's your kind of music, can you sing it?

🔶Kikenexum : I listen to various musical styles. My favorites are hiphop, rap and flamenco. I do sing flamenco although my girl says I do it regularly😂. By the way, I was playing the flamenco cajon in a music group for a while.

: I think we have such here in Africa, check out below

: Will you say blogging on Steemit has affected you positively?

🔶Kikenexum : Of course, writing posts on Steemit on a personal level helps me relive again those trips I make remembering the places, anecdotes and the people I travel with. Then it helps me disconnect from my daily life since we live in a world of mental stress in which we run everywhere so that we have time to do everything. Let's say that Steemit is my moment of disconnection.

: What are some changes you would like to see on the Steemit platform?

🔶Kikenexum : We have recently stopped collecting rewards on TRX, I would like to recover them again since it is a crypto with potential. Then at the platform level I think it is making a lot of progress but it is true that they have little participation in many countries like Spain where I live and the rest of the European Union. It is not attractive for them to use this platform and I think we could do more to get our head into those countries with less of a market.

: Which part of Spain would you like to host me if I was to visit there?

🔶Kikenexum : Without a doubt, give my land, Andalusia. I live in the south of the country in a city called Seville. It has many monuments from the Roman era, a beautiful river and very beautiful buildings and streets but in general, any city in the south has a lot of charm. In general, throughout Spain there are magnificent things, beautiful beaches, high mountains with snow-capped peaks and incredible gastronomy, but I have to stick with just one place: Andalusia..

: Would you recommend Vietnam for tourism and why?

🔶Kikenexum : Definitely. Vietnam is a country still in development, so it is quite quiet and without many crowds of visitors. It is tremendously safe to visit on your own and you can walk down the street at any time of the day without fear of being robbed or worse, and its cuisine is not very varied, but they have quite a few dishes. Furthermore, for many years it was a French colony, so it has very typical dishes such as sandwiches or bread.

: Do you have any messages for the Steemit team?

🔶Kikenexum : I hope they continue doing as well as they have done so far. I think the entire curation team as well as the group moderators do a great job. I am aware that they help many people who really need it and get ahead. THANK YOU.

: What can you say about the Interview Showcase?

🔶Kikenexum : The truth is that I discovered this format that you have recently. I find it fascinating to give people who are somewhat more anonymous or unknown to some communities the opportunity to make themselves known within the platform, so from here I thank you. It has been a pleasure to participate in your showcase and I had a lot of fun.

I hope you enjoy the Show...? Do you think I am missing something? Please feel free to tell me, let's make this better daily. Share your suggestions with me, I'll so much appreciate it.

Do you have a particular topic you would like me to feature? Is there a user you would like me to feature? Please contact me (language) is not a barrier and all will be handled successfully.

If you are interested in being one of my guests, please don't hesitate to contact me any time soon through my details: Discord: ubongudofot#9499

Telegram: Contact Me

Please note that users/guest's privacy or confidentiality would be considered first before posting, thank you.

See you next week for another interesting show, don't miss it.

The Previous Shows:

Click here to read my previous Shows..

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 8 months ago 

Hello sir is good to read your interview showcase once again,I must confess that I really enjoyed it.

I hope to get interviewed someday but that will be within the first half of this year. Good luck.

 8 months ago 

Great to know you enjoy reading it. If you keep working hard and remain original, you would be featured soon.

 8 months ago 

Alright sir, I knew am definitely not yet qualified for this interview. Once I get to a higher level, I will be ripe for it.

 8 months ago 

Feliz de ver esta entrevista que sin duda nos relata más sobre tu persona @Kikenexum. Es larga la lista de países visitados, un día estarías en Venezuela sin darme cuenta, jeje. Valdría la pena Egipto y Vietnam tal como lo mencionas. Mis sinceras condolencias por la pérdida reciente de tu padre. Saludos a todos, en especial a @Ubongudofot por llevar a cabo esta entrevista.

 8 months ago 

Thank you for your kind words, I appreciate.

Me alegro que hayas descubierto cosas nuevas sobre mi. Ahora por fin sabes todos los países que he visitado aunque muchos no estén subidos a la comunidad, pero como puedes ver... tengo material para rato, jejejeje.

Venezuela está dentro de una larga lista de países por visitar, no lo descarto en un futuro viaje ya que me muero de ganas de visitar el ¨Salto Ángel¨.

Gracias por las condolencias amiga, han sido unas navidades bastante tristes, pero seguimos adelante.

Gracias de nuevo y espero que tengas buen 2024 lleno de cosas buenas entre ellas una comunidad con mas de 1000 steemians activos, jejejeje.

 8 months ago (edited)

Aaaaaaaméeeeern... Jeje, seguro que así será, muchas gracias. 🙏✨💫

Bienvenido sea ese material inédito en el grupo viajero. ✈️

En cuanto al salto, no te arrepentirás. De verdad lo vale. Saludos nuevamente.

This post has been featured in the latest edition of Steem News...

 8 months ago 

Thank you for featuring my show on Steem news.

Saludos amigos ☺️ que bueno conocer más de @kikenexum wowww encantada con esta entrevista ya que uno de mis sueños es viajar así como lo ha podido lograr nuestro amigo Kike ☺️☺️🥰

Espero poder ver su paso por cada uno de estos países que nos nombra y que algún día pueda visitar nuestro país Venezuela y Nigeria jijiji.

Bendiciones para ambos, excelente entrevista como siempre amigo Ubon♥️

Muchas gracias amiga, viajar es una de mis pasiones por lo tanto se convirtió en una de mis prioridades hace tiempo. Dejo muchas cosas atrás para poder permitirme estos viajes ya que son muy costosos.

Si necesitas algo de información sobre algún destino de los que he estado solo tienes que preguntarme.

Saludos y buena entrada de año amiga ;)

Saludos amigo así es viajar es costoso pero es una de las cosas más maravillosas del mundo 🥰 que bueno que lo has podido hacer.

Muchas gracias ☺️ y que sigan los éxitos para tu vida.😊

 8 months ago 

Hello @kikenexum,

I want to express my deepest condolences for the loss of your father. Losing a loved one is never easy, and it's especially challenging when it's a parent. Please take all the time you need to grieve, and remember that your Steemit family is here to support you.

Muchas gracias amigo mio, no ha sido unas navidades para recordar pero bueno, la vida sigue y tenemos que superar la perdida. Steemit me ayuda a despejarme y olvidarme de todo durante unas horas.

Saludos y feliz año 2024 ;)

Your post is manually rewarded by the
World of Xpilar Community Curation Trail


"Become successful with @wox-helpfund!"
If you want to know more click on the link ❤️

 8 months ago 

Thank you very much for the support.

 8 months ago (edited)

Greetings to you @ubongudofot, it is my pleasure to read your first talk show in 2024.

Dear friend, l must commend your presentation on this talk show, it is educational.

l have learned a lot, let me confess, through out my years in steemit l never know that a great man like @kikenexum is on this blog, niether have l mistakenly stubbled on his blog.

Thanks so much for helping us to know who he is and what he valued most. Please sorry for the sudden demise of your father, my heartfelt condolences.

From this talk show, l can imitate him on traveling even if is not outside the country but around my environment and write it down on steemit platform, l can talk about the excited part and my scary part of the trip.

I really enjoyed the show, earnestly l can't wait to read and enjoy the next episode. My special thanks goes to your guest for making the show enjoyable and to you the producer.

People say traveling is part of education but with all l read here, it is educational itself.

Remain blessed.
Much love ❤️

 8 months ago 

Thank you for your kind words, it was a great time with my guest. Hopefully, you could be featured someday.

 8 months ago 

It would be my pleasure ❤️

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Got to know him better

Gracias por la mención. Interesante entrevista con @kikenexum. A veces me lo he encontrado en sus publicaciones. Saludos cordiales.

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