How I overcome Alopecia:The story behind the journey

in Hot News Community11 months ago

It was as if my body had turned against me, I felt weird each time I touched the spot on my skin. Each day, it became worse and I wasn't sure what's exactly going on.

It started innocuous enough as a small round patch devoid of hair on my skin. I took it as just a temporary glitch that is going to stop and there's really nothing serious to worry about.

As days turned into weeks, it dawned on me that I was losing my precious hairy skin and wasn't seeing any guarantee it would return.

This mysterious and unpredictable illness was robbing me of my skin hair. Every day I would stare at the mirror literally guarding my skin to see when a strand fell off. I'd even try positioning the remaining strands to hide the bald patches .., I was just observing for a very long time.😅

With time I fell in love with my trousers and long sleeves. I wouldn't dare wear a shirt so as not to expose my hairless skin which was becoming very conspicuous.

After two months, I thought it was time I contacted a medical expert, but before then, I had already called @eliany, Perhaps, if she had any idea what was making me lose hair on one section of my body, I sent her the picture above, she gave me some prescription which I tried, unfortunately, it didn't solve that.

I shared my frustrations with another person in the medical field and reported just how it started. He looked intensely at my skin and after many examinations, he termed it "alopecia". I've never heard this word before, that was my first time.

If you ever wondered what "alopecia" is, you can read about it👉 here

I scratched my head in confusion because I had no idea what he just mentioned. Well, a series of medications both oral and topical were prescribed which I was very judicious about. I took it gradually and I promised myself that if this thing should go away, I would write about it here on Steemit, perhaps, someone out there might need this information too.

I am not marketing this medicine, but the medicines below worked for me. I never missed it for one day.

The tablets

The cream

Applying the cream on the affected area

Educating myself about alopecia became both a necessity and a source of empowerment. I delved into medical literature, google assistance and other valuable sites to understand what this was really about.

My leg before: I was losing hair

My leg now: I am beginning to grow hair

In summary, what I realized was that:

Alopecia is a medical term that refers to hair loss or baldness. It can occur on the scalp or other parts of the body and may be caused by various factors, such as genetics, autoimmune conditions, hormonal changes, or medical treatments, sometimes just a minor infection.

It however comes in different types, although mine wasn't in a very severe form. I'm not a medical expert. I can't say much about this illness, you might want to consult your medical personnel for more information where clarity is needed.

Slowly but surely, my alopecia started resolving, I wouldn't say miraculously. I took my therapy very seriously, and my medical advisor never gave up on me, every time I'd receive a reminder to take my medicine and apply my topical meds.

Emotional support from family and well-meaning friends were stepping stones for me.

I learnt some valuable lessons from this journey, and what's that? I learnt that resilience, self-worth, determination, swiftness in acting, optimism and the hope that not all situations are permanent.

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