Hot News#1: Report On The Governorship And State Assembly Election In Ilaje Barriga Lagos, Nigeria.

in Hot News Communitylast year

Hello guys, this is journalist @talktofaith in the house. I have come to participate in this contest with a very important and current happening in Nigeria (Ilaje Barriga Lagos State, Nigeria) to be precise.

In this contest, we were asked to talk about the live event around our environment and it should be a first hand information. If you missed the contest post, you can get it right here.

In this contest, I will be talking about the Governorship and State Assembly Election which held today 18th of March 2023 in Nigeria. My area of concentration is in Barriga Lagos State, Nigeria where I reside.


Before I proceed with my entry, I will like to give a little highlight of the Nigerian Election.

Election as we all know is the system put in place which gives the citizens the right to appoint or select the person whom they deem fit to lead them.

But in Nigeria the reverse is the case, here the leaders impose themselves on the people and take the role. It had been like this for decades now and nothing had been done about it.

Not until the last Presidential Election which held on the 25th of February 2023. The winning was so obvious to all, but these guys had the gut to rig the election thinking they will get alway with it. Currently the case is in the court and we pray that the said winner (Peter Obi of the Labour Party) wins the case and take the right position as the next President of Nigeria.

Governorship And State Assembly Election In Lagos Nigeria:

Today being the 18th of March 2023, is the Governorship and State House of Assembly Election in Nigeria.

I had to go exercise my right as a good citizen of Nigeria, and at the same time, I went around most of the pollen units and streets around my area to find out what is happening in all those units and streets.

One of the basic thing needed to participate in the Nigerian Election is your voter's card. The below is myself @talktofaith ready to go cast my vote with my voter's card.

Reporter @talktofaith

My Observations From The Pollen Units:

I visited about 10 different pollen units and I discovered that they all had same experiences in common.

People are not willing to cast their votes anymore.

Almost all the pollen units I visited doesn't have people ready to vote, they were almost empty. Unlike the presidential election where people came out in mass to vote for their choice of leader.

In this case, people are not willing to go waste their time, because at the end they know that their votes will not count. It is quite unfortunate. I personally chatted some persons up before leaving they house, they said they were heart broken by the just concluded presidential election, so they are not ready to go waste their time anymore.

Most of the INEC (Independent National Electoral Commission) officials were literally sleeping on their desks, due to lack of voters to attend to.

Below are some pictures of some of the pollen units I was able to capture around Ilaje Barriga Lagos, Nigeria. The pollen units include Osunfolanrin street, Odukoya street, Odunsi street, Ilaje road, Barriga market road and Adeboye street.

I also had to move around to see the situation of various locations and markets. I found out that all markets were shot, including Barriga market which is the closest market around. Most street shops and offices and pharmacies were shot down as well.

Just a few persons came out to cast their votes. Others resorted to stay at home, while others had to hand out along the streets to drink and discuss, just as seen in my below picture.

Men drinking and discussing on the street.

After the whole tour, I got on my way back to my house. The below picture is me @talktofaith on my tour trying to gather first hand information. It wasn't an easy tour though, because some persons are not comfortable taking pictures where they are. In my own pollen unit, the officers there had to mandate me to delete the pictures I took there.

Reporter @talktofaith


From the information I gathered from the various pollen units I visited, I realized that Nigerians has given up on the government. They are all heartbroken 😭, their opinion doesn't count. So they are not ready to get involved any longer. Just a few persons are still pushing. Everyone is waiting to know the outcome of the ongoing law case in respect to the just concluded presidential election.

I also invite my friends @ninapenda, @thomisin, @mesola to come participate in this contest and tell us the current happening event around their location.

 last year (edited)

This situation is everywhere. My location is also the same. Nobody came out to vote due to the discouragement we all got from the presidential election.

But still, results will be shown. This is Nigeria.

Thanks for the invite!

 last year 

Exactly, fake results will definitely fly.
It had been the system since ages.
We are no longer surprised in anything we see now.
Thanks for visiting.

 last year 

Thanks for reporting from Lagos dear, hope you are staying safe over there. The election in Nigeria is such an eyesore, i even get so discouraged going out today for the governorship based on what happened during the presidentials, it is well!!

 last year 

That is the story of many person. There is no zeal anymore to push further.
But we strongly believe God for a better Nigeria someday.

Thanks for visiting.
Yes I am staying very safe.

 last year 

Te entiendo mucho en mi país han sucedido eventos que desaniman a votar, pero debemos tener Fe que algún día va a cambiar, es horrible lo que está sucediendo cuídate mucho me gusto saber lo que está sucediendo nadie escapa de las intimidaciones políticas .


 last year 

Yes, but Nigerian political intimidation is out of this world.
Thanks for visiting.
Best regards

 last year 
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