DIARY game with hot News (May24,2024)((prayer,farm work,Jummah)

in Hot News Communitylast month

Hello everyone this is

Zeeshan Manzoor


I hope all of you will be safe and sound. I am also safe.Now I am going to share my today's diary.


I got up early in the morning as usual. I offered my Fajar prayer. I come back to home
. I check my cell phone. I open Steemit app and check notifications. I was depressed when I saw that nothing has been granted to me as a reward instead of lot of work. I took banana shake. Than I went to farm. I offered feed to animals. Than I went to fields and cut fodder for animals.




I helped my parents in this. I load these on cart. Than chopped it. After this offered weter to animals. I milked animals and at the end I took animals to shade . I went to home after doing all this. I took shower and looked freshed. I received a call from @huraira50 and I was surprised that he has reached home.He told me that he was suffering from fever and other complications.


I went to him. We went to doctor. The doctor gave him medicine. We visited a juice Shop.


We took banana shakes. After this came to home.I went to my home. I took my break fast. I ate following in breakfast;

  • bread
  • curry
  • chilli
  • lassi
  • tea


After this I went to my uncle house. I stay there for three hours. It was very hot today. I ate lunch
from there. I ate bread and cowpeas. It was nice and tasty.


After this I came back to home. I drank a lot of water . Today the weather was extremely hot. I ate biscuit and took tea. It was really nice.


Than I went to farm.I offer feed and fodder to animals. I went back to home. I saw that my younger brother has cooked a curry and I took some bites from it. It's really nice.After this I visited to @huraira50. He went out in the fields.We stay there for hour. Than we shower in the tube well. It's very enjoyable. After this came back to home. We also Play billiards. Than went to masjid for offering namaz. I came out to farm and helped mom in milking animals. Than came to home . I took dinner. Following is the menu of dinner;

  • Bread
  • curry
  • biryani
  • yugrt
  • milk soda


All ate with love all these. After this I thanked to Allah Almighty for giving me such mesmerizing meal. After this I went to farm and gave medicine to buffalo. In the meanwhile it began to start storm
That's all from about my day
Thank you 😊

Achievement 1




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 last month 

Thanks my brother for giving Time and your affection with me and my family love my brother ❣️

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