Steemit bright mode or dark mode". by @rossnenye

in Hot News Community2 months ago
Hello everyone, greetings to the amazing people of this Community. Welcome back to my blog. I would love to appreciate @saintkelvin17 for organizing this contest.
How are you doing in steemit, hope things are ok?

I'm fine and healthy by the grace of God. I'm not doing quite great in Steemit because I haven't achieved my goal for the first half of 2024 in Steemit and is almost the first half of the year. But I believe in myself that I will achieve my goals through hard work, prayer and dedication.

Steemit bright mode or dark mode, which do you like and why?

I would choose dark mode over white mode. I don't really like white mode like that. Infact, I use dark mode for almost in all my social media platforms. Dark mode usually gives me this matured atmosphere, I don't know how to explain it but it looks matured. My eyes also gets easily irritated when my phone is too bright.

Screenshot from my WhatsApp

Health wise, dark mode is the best. Research has proven that dark mode is the best for the eyes because light mode can cause eye fatigue. Dark mode reduces the amount of light emitted by the screen, therefore making it easier for the eyes to adjust to the screen light

Don't you intend to use the other mode you don't like just for 3 whole days?

I don't really have any issue with using bright mode, is just that I prefer using dark mode. If I'm asked to use light mode for three days of course I would do that.

Screenshot from my account on Steemit

Imagine if there was another color or mode what color do you want it to be?

I would love purple color. Purple is one of my favorite colors, it is a unique and matured color and it signifies royalty. Infact I connect with purple color easily and would really love if Steemit has purple color mode.


Which mode have you seen most steemians use? Predict the mode steemcurator01 and 02 make use of.

I'm not good with guessing, but I feel most people and even steemcurator 01 and 02 would be using dark mode because it's a matured color.
Thanks for reading through my post, I invite @hanny-danny, @triple-e and @v-brainer to participate in this contest.

 2 months ago 

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Moderation note: I use light mode alot. Cool post 🤭

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