News Thediarygames , Season3/29 September 2022 | Cooking Banana Tree Trunk

in Hot News Community2 years ago (edited)


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Hello all my friends on this best platform, Are you all right? May we always be in healthy. Today, I will tell you about my activities



Abati and his wife are passionate about planting oil palm seeds

This morning, I went to meet my son who was playing at the house of the brother next door, Nek Abati, as we called him. My son and I are looking for my daughter who is said to be playing at Nek Abati's house. I then followed my son who had already played, but instead of my daughter I met but Abati and his wife were planting oil palm seeds in the backyard of their house.

Formerly this land was filled with betel nut trees, but because of the watery land, the areca trees made the trunks rot slowly, it's a shame.


Ghaisan and little brother Afiz playing together at the surau

I follow all their activities. There is already a hole, and just fill it with seeds that have grown to 50cm then cover it again with soil. He chose to plant oil palm trees because the land is suitable for this type of tree, besides this land is also filled with oil palm trees which have quite a lot of fruit.

One by one the pots of palm seeds were inserted and the weather was scorching hot, my son and I finally took shelter in the surau beside the garden while watching my son and Afiz play together. I looked at the clock on my cellphone, it was already 11:30 in the afternoon. Its Cooking time!. 😲


Abati chopping banana tree trunks for cooking

I also don't have a menu this afternoon, Abati suggested that I cook banana tree gravy, wow that seems like a good idea, I haven't tried this menu for a long time, but I'm a little worried because I've never cooked it. And as usual, I contacted my sister-in-law to join me in cooking raya, she is very experienced in cooking.

Abati cut two banana trees and I brought them home carrying them, they are very heavy but I really like them. Not long after I called her and she came right away. She cut the banana stems and I smoothed the marinade (similar to the seasoning for free-range chicken). It turned out that the results were very large and very tasty, Tiredness finally paid off.


Banana stem vegetables are ripe

After cooking, we share it with the neighbors and also Abati, I will be very satisfied of course. After that I cleaned myself and performed the Zuhur prayer and took the children to take a nap in their respective rooms.



Very delicious durian

In the afternoon it rained very hard, we couldn't go anywhere and just watch television together. Not long after that my husband came home from work, I greeted him and it turned out that he brought durian and also pulut that the children ordered a week ago, Alhamdulillah. The kids couldn't wait and my husband opened it and we ate together, the meat was plenty and sweet we also shared it with my sister-in-law who lives across the street.

After maghrib prayer, we ate together, while eating suddenly someone knocked on the door of the house with a greeting, Assalamu'alaikum, I answered greetings and opened it, it turned out that Sis Mih, our neighbor brought noodles for the children, he said to make it all children practice Maulid Dhikr later at 21.00 pm.


Go to watch the Prophet's birthday dhikr practice

Then we finished our dinner and the children wanted to see the practice of the Prophet's Maulid Dhikr, I prepared their clothes and we went together even though it was raining. When we got there, there were already many people who also wanted to see this practice and we sat in the corner.

The children were very enthusiastic, they also followed all the movements demonstrated by the chanters of remembrance. Until 22.30, the rain had not stopped, we finally chose to go home because the children were tired too.


Spicy Sticky Noodles

I called my husband and we went home with the motorcycle. When they got home, the kids just wanted to eat the noodles, because they didn't like it spicy and I finished two portions of them, Hehe.

After that, I took the children to their bedrooms and taught them to recite prayers before going to bed, and it was getting better and better. They sleep and I as usual, checked Steemit notification watch with my phone and fell asleep accidentally, fatigue effect.

Until here, my activities today may be useful and see you again,
From your friends,


Where there is a Will there is a Way

Greeting friends!


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 2 years ago 

Nicely written, and thank you for sharing your daily activity with us, I guess the rain is heavy almost in every part of the globe these days, I had a similar experience with rain yesterday as well as it couldn't let me get on my required activity for the day, and those banana stem looks nice, although I couldn't guess what the taste feels like.

Do have a great day friend.

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