News Diary | By @khursheedanwar | 14-02-2023

in Hot News Communitylast year
Hello friends how are you all? Today i am going to share with you my news diary of today in which i will discuss about current news of our country and i hope you guys will like this.

Firsf of all i will start from my morning then we will move towards the current news.



Today i woke up in the morning avout 6:34 and first of all i took ablution and went to the usman mosque near about my house and after that i offered prayer in the mosque with other people and then i went back to my home where i saw that many children were running in the street here and there and they were playing.


Aftee that i went to my changing room where i changed my clothes and wore pink and red trouser along with shoes and then i left for morning walk . There is a park near about my house and name of the park is jeni park.

I went to the jeni park on foot because the park is not too far from my house so i preferred to go on foot.

I reached jeni park within few minutes and when i reached i saw that there were many people in the park and they were walking on the tracks and some were sitting on the grass near about the flower plants.

  • I also startee my walk on the track of jeni park and within few minutes my whole body warmed up and then i started runing in the track.


I completed my walk within few minutes and then i started children in the park who were playing with each other . Suddenly my friend came to me and sat on the green grass and then we started taking about the kids.

He told me about the hot news of children kidnapping in our country and also told me that police is taking severe actions.
  • This was very bad news because children are the great resource of our country and everyone should be responsible and take care of this great asset.


aafter that i came back my home and i turned on the tv and i started watching a news channel on tv in which and anchor person was talking about the curren rate of usdt in open market.

He told that the current rate of usdt in our country is 268pkr in open market but some people in open market are selling usdt in black and they are selling for 275 which is very wrong and illegal act in our country. Police must tak severe actions against this act.
Thanks guys for reading my today's post about the current news in our country in which i have discussed avout kids kidnapping and dollar rate in our country.
 last year 
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