Hot News Community Statement: We'll Not Power Down and Still Growth

in Hot News Community2 years ago

Discord discord.ggdCZVXnbet.png

Observing the phenomenon that has occurred in recent days related to the power down action carried out by several community accounts and personal accounts, the Hot News Community Team needs to make an open statement to the Steemit Team and also all community members.

We need to do this to maintain the conduciveness of the community and eliminate the members' feelings of anxiety to be active in the Hot News Community.

Hot News Community was built based on the passion to contribute to the development of the steemit platform through the development of blockchain and other crypto. We also want to introduce steemit to people around the world to support the development of steem as a future coin and investment through news and as a forum for sharing the latest information for steemians.

In its development the Hot News Team has worked hard to build this community so that it gets the attention of steemians to be active in this community.

The support of the steemit team also encourages the development of this community so that currently Hot News Community is in the upper middle row in the trending community.

The management of the Hot News community is carried out in a collegial collective where the Key is held by several leaders to prevent acts of key misuse including power down by someone.

Each team leader has shown performance and commitment in building community and contributing to the platform where all of us are Country Representatives in our respective countries with a progressive track record.

This is shown by our consistency in supporting every program from the steemit team including the club campaign, burnsteem and other programs that are seen when the team leader is at #club100 or #club75.

The following is the data and performance of the Hot News Community Team Leader:

Admin dan ModeratorAbout administrator

Community role : Admin
Join Steem : July 2017
Reputation : 76.401
Club Status : #club100
Steem Power : 25,397.41 SP

Community role : Admin
Join Steem : April 2021
Reputation : 73.381
Club Status : #club100
Steem Power : 16,616.19 SP

Community role : Moderator
Join Steem : June 2017
Reputation : 71.564
Club Status : #club100
Steem Power : 17,295.83 SP

Community role : Moderator
Join Steem : May 2021
Reputation : 71.934
Club Status : #club75
Steem Power : 8,019.65 SP

Community role : Moderator
Join Steem : September 2021
Reputation : 70.787
Club Status : #club100
Steem Power : 7,086.38 SP

Based on the facts above, we firmly state that:

  1. We will not power down like other communities do and remain committed to developing the community by continuing to power up to maintain steem power so that we can support posting on the Hot News Community.
  2. We will also not disband the community and will even continue to expand with plans to add new Moderators in the near future so that we can reach a wider area.

This is the official statement of Hot News Community regarding its commitment not to power down or disband the community. Instead we will take progressive steps in building the community by adding moderators, making steemit Engagement applications and other programs from the steemit team.

Cc :

September, 13th 2022
The Hot News Community Team


You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

 2 years ago 

A statement that will be very useful for users, especially our followers in the Hot News Community, a commitment to expand Steem and the community much wider is the ideal of our team today and in the future. the support of the Steemit team, as well as SC01 and SC02, will greatly help us become a self-sustaining community that can support and push our community followers forward. We stick with the spirit of Steem On.

 2 years ago 

Keep Steem on!
Pokoknya ya Kak:)

 2 years ago 

Siap kak etty, sudah bagian dari Tugas untuk mengajak semuanya.

 2 years ago 

That's good news for members of this community to always participate in. Good work team.

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