My News diary game For Tuesday (02-05-23): Attending the grand Commissioning of the 3.5KVA Steem solar PV in Government Technical college Uyo

in Hot News Communitylast year


Hello Friends ❤️

It's been a while since I write in this space, but today I come with good news! Yes, good news to make you happy!! Oh, you may wonder what makes the news, Tuesday 02 May 2023 was the grand commissioning of the 3.5KV Solar PV in one of the Government Technical College schools in Uyo Akwa Ibom State. The occasion was grand, it was millions of Naira project sponsored by Steemit in the person of @pennsif and world smile!


The project was commissioned by HONOURABLE GODWIN SUNDAY UDOM the Executive Chairman State Technical Schools Board Akwa Ibom State. He's a technocrat, a special adviser to the Governor of Akwa Ibom State, a community leader, a human capital and capacity who influences many lives positively. In his speech, he said he felt challenged and moved by Steemit for their great act of kindness! He expresses gratitude to Steemit and all the donors and then he cuts the ribbon 🎀.


The principal of the school was there and some teachers too together with students, they were so happy! To express his happiness the electrical teacher said "Even a baby in the womb is happy for this great gift".

The leader of the Smile Nigeria project @ubongudofot was educating both the teacher who will be in charge of the solar and the students on how to take care of the system and maintain it. He then give those students who helped to install the solar system gift.


Some teachers were interviewed, including some Steemians before we left for the next party! But we took enough photographs, let me share some with you.



It was momentous for us, the installation of solar PV in this school speaks well of Steemit, positively touching lives, to be very sincere I was proud of our prestigious platform. Ubongudofot said something to those students, he told them wherever you are always remember home!

Another Party At Ibom Tropicana Mall Uyo:


It was a sunny ☀️ day though and yes we love the sun! We drove down to the mall and thanks to the serenity of the environment, as true Steemians we are we took some pictures before going to an eatery.


There each person chooses what to take, some 🍦 ice cream, others Jellof rice or fried rice, we were discussing the platform, and ways we can grow and help others too. I left there by 2:30 pm and I'm glad the project was a reality! Thank you Steemit team, thank you pennsif, and all the Donors who give light to the leaders of tomorrow!


 last year 

Glad it has become a reality at last. Thank you for your supports and thanks for attaining the will remain a memorable one.

 last year 

Sure 😃 it will!

Hi plz verify me i am still waiting 1
Week ago i post ny Introduction post

 last year 

It was indeed amazing 🤗🤗🤗

 last year 


 last year 

That was one way to indelibly print steemit in the minds of the people.
Thumbs up to all who made it possible...
I really hope to see and be a part of more of this.

 last year 

Oh and that will be nice 👍 thank you for coming around!

Nigeria Allstar. I love to see this kind of event. Keep it up.

 last year 

Aww 🥰 thank you so much my friend

 last year 

I loved every bit of my time here.

Meanwhile, it was a pleasure seeing you in person for the first time.

 last year 

Aww 🥰 dear it was a pleasure too! You know you're such a Free spirited soul!

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