Soil and Rock

in Hot News Community13 hours ago


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Soil and Rock are two types of substances found on Earth, these two types of substances are the two most known and easily identifiable substances. I'm sure we all know what soil is, and I'm also sure we all know what rock is. I'm going to take you back to the elementary school lessons that you've taken in the past, as reading material that might be interesting to remember. Here are the definitions of the two substances :

Soil is the outermost layer of the Earth or the topmost layer of the Earth, the soil consists of several mixtures. These mixtures are minerals, water, air, and organic matter, and are formed from weathering that occurs in rocks.

Stone is a solid substance that is formed or occurs from a collection of minerals that are arranged so that they harden. Rocks are also formed from natural processes that occur in nature, such as volcanic eruptions that produce Magma so that it hardens on the Earth's surface.

Speaking of rocks and soil in general, there are various types between the two. But that is often learned and discussed only a few, maybe for higher levels of study many kinds of rocks and soil will be known and learned.

There is nothing wrong if I share information and insights about the things I know and just learned when I was a student, and I also teach this material to my students at school as their initial understanding of Natural Science, especially related to stone and soil.

For the types of stones that I know so far are divided into three types of rocks, the three types are :

Igneous rocks, a type of rock that comes from Magma that forms and solidifies. It can be formed in the Earth's crust or it can also form on the surface of the ground as a result of volcanic eruptions for example. Examples of this type of rock are granite or Obsidian.


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Sedimentary rocks, rocks of this type are formed from sedimentary processes or natural processes that occur from solutions to solids and can be crystalline or colloidal. Examples of this type of rock are limestone and Sandstone.


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Metamorphic rock, this type of rock is a rock that has undergone changes in a long time or is often called physical or changing substances and new forms. Examples of this type of marble and also mudstone.


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As for the types of soil itself, quite a lot but among the types of soil that are generally known at a basic level are as follows :

Volcanic soil, this type of soil comes from volcanic eruptions into small particles of ash. This type of soil has the advantage of being fertile to be a place for living plants when it has been long enough for the soil to form and has a loose texture.


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Alluvial soil, this type of soil is a type of soil resulting from silt deposits from river or Lake Valley basins, or even soil resulting from Glacier erosion (land formation).


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Grumusol soil, this type of soil is formed due to the weathering of limestone and several other things. The texture of this soil is black and easily cracked when the dry season arrives, so it is easy to recognize.


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Limestone soil, this type of soil is a type of soil formed from the weathering of limestone rocks. Lime soil is not suitable to be used as a plant, because it does not have or has little nutrient content.

Podzolic soil, a type of soil formed due to low temperatures and sandstone. This soil is also formed from the weathering of various types of minerals found in the weathering of volcanic tuff rocks.


Clay soil, is a type of soil formed from the weathering of the Earth's crust. This soil is easy to recognize because it has a sticky texture and is difficult to dig, making it difficult to absorb water.


Those are some general explanations about stones and soil, if reviewed and studied further, then quite a lot of types of stones and soil. Each of the rocks and soils has an advanced grouping that is interesting to know.

In the end, hopefully, this reading will be useful and also add insight and information to all of you. All of the above explanations are purely, as far as I know, the rest you may be able to learn better.

Thanks to those of you who have read it, best wishes to all of you.

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