The Diary Game - June 29, 2024 | One Day of Work in Banda Aceh City

in Hot News Community25 days ago (edited)

Friday night I was getting ready at home, waiting for a pickup to leave for the city of Banda Aceh. This departure was in order to attend the Work Meeting to Evaluate the Implementation of DAK Fisik Infrastructure PUPR Fiscal Year 2024. After having dinner and performing Isha prayers, my wife began to show her anxiety because I was going to leave, that's her habit, if I travel at night she can't sleep well, she wants to make sure I'm okay on the way. She kept an eye on the GPS app that we had installed on each of our smartphones and connected to each other.

Before 10pm, I was picked up by the Head of Division and his driver. I got into the black Innova and our journey began. When traveling to Banda Aceh with a travel time of around 8 hours, I prefer to leave at night, because it seems as if the time becomes shorter because I sleep in the car. But this time it was a bit different, the head of my field kept inviting me to chat on the way, even though my eyes were already heavy and my head felt a bit dizzy, but because I felt bad I just kept going, even though I occasionally fell asleep and then woke up again. On the way, we stopped at two coffee shops to recharge our batteries. That's how I felt until we finally arrived in Banda Aceh at around 7am.


Good Morning Steemians

I started my time in the city by finding an inn where I could put my belongings, take a shower, and lie down for a while. After finding a place to stay, our driver looked very tired from driving all night, so he asked permission to rest. After all the preparations were complete, and it was 8.40am, the head of field and I hurriedly left for the location of the event, which was held at The Pade Hotel, located at Jalan Soekarno-Hatta No. 1, Darul Imarah District. There were already meeting participants from 23 districts/cities throughout Aceh Province. The event hadn't started yet, and I remembered that I hadn't eaten anything this morning, so it was only fitting that seeing the pastries on small plates on the table whetted my appetite and I reluctantly took two servings complete with sweet tea.


The organizers started the event with a brief presentation of what would be discussed in the forum, which were:

  1. The final progress of the implementation of DAK Fisik Infrastructure PUPR Fiscal Year 2023
  2. Progress of Procurement of Goods and Services and progress of the implementation of activities for Fiscal Year 2024
  3. Problems / obstacles in the implementation of activities for fiscal year 2024
  4. Plan to Accelerate the Implementation of Activities for Fiscal Year 2024

Then the discussion was divided into three tables to speed up the process, we from Langsa City were scheduled at table 3 at number 6, so of course we had to wait even longer, because one discussion could take 30 minutes.


I left the Ballroom, sat outside while enjoying the tea provided and chatting with colleagues from other regions while also enjoying the beautiful view of the mountainous landscape of bukit barisan.


After more than an hour of waiting outside, I re-entered the ballroom, and found that queue number 4 was already discussing and almost finished, so when queue number 5 was called we were ready to wait for the next call, and 20 minutes later our moment arrived.

The discussion was dynamic, the verifiers asked serious questions about the reporting mechanism and problems that occurred in the field, they wanted to identify and know how our solutions to solve the obstacles faced. We managed to put forward our arguments and convince them that we have a good way to deal with potential problems that might occur. But today we still have data entry to complete and that is my job.


At around 12pm, our team exited the ballroom, sleepiness was setting in and I intended to head straight back to the lodge and finish filling in the required data. But that had to be delayed a bit because the lunch menu was ready to be served by the hotel staff, and I took this good opportunity to head to the newly formed queue. I took the rice with a side dish of chicken stew and then added capcai vegetables and sambal terasi, unfortunately undocumented.

My stomach is now full, and all that's left is the desire to rest my body, but there's still work to be done. I invite the head of the field to return to the inn, unlike me, there is no fatigue from him, I drive the car to the inn with the drowsiness that I can endure. Arriving at the lodge, I performed the Zhuhur prayer, after which I opened my laptop and filled in the requested data.


When I finished, the time was around 14:40, I took a position on the bed to prepare for sleep, I thought it would be very useful to be able to sleep for 1-2 hours, and my eyes closed. Zzz...


In the middle of my sleep, I heard the phone ringing, and woke me up. It turned out to be a call from my beloved wife, who wanted to know how I was doing, indeed because of the busy activities this afternoon, I had not given her news, and as usual she asked when I was coming home, I explained that the activity had finished and I would be home tonight too, and that was enough to calm her down. We finish our conversation, after which I take a shower to refresh my body and perform the asr prayer.

I felt hungry again, probably due to lack of carbohydrate intake, while my colleagues had gone out while I was sleeping. So I ordered food through the Grab app, I was looking for food that was available quickly and could be delivered immediately, my choice was King Fried Chicken.


I bought a package of Hot Rods Komplit with rice + chicken + lychee iced tea, the total price of the package was Rp. 34,000 (10.75 Steem), with a delivery fee of Rp. 5000 (1.58 Steem).

After the maghrib prayer, I contacted a coworker who would be going home at the same time as me tonight, while the head of the field still wanted to stay longer because he had an agenda with his family here. It turned out that my colleague had booked a travel car for our departure which was scheduled after the evening prayer, we agreed to meet at one of the coffee shops while waiting for the pickup to arrive. At around 9pm the Hiace car arrived and we stepped into the car and left the city of Banda Aceh.


It has also been a long time since I took a travel car when leaving for the capital city of Aceh Province, it turns out that the ticket price has become Rp 200,000 (63.29 Steem) for the Banda Aceh - Langsa route. My partner and I both still feel tired from today, so we don't talk much anymore, when we sit in the car, I adjust the position of the back of the chair, pull the blanket and prepare to sleep. As usual, because I fell asleep, the journey was uneventful.


At the first stop at Kak Nah's stall selling adee cakes, I woke up and went downstairs to buy two boxes of cakes, then got into the car and went back to sleep. Time went on as the distance got closer, and we arrived at the satay stall at 2am. Seeing the satay sellers fanning their satay with smoke flying into the air and the distinctive fragrance of the satay meat, led me to go down and order a portion of satay to enjoy.


So my journey continued after finishing eating the delicious satay, and of course I slept again with my stomach filled so that it made my sleep even more sound, time became less and less felt. I arrived in Langsa at around 7am, where my wife and children were waiting for me wholeheartedly, and the warmth of togetherness dissipated the tiredness.

That's all my diary story, thanks to all steemians who have taken the time to read it.

Warmest regards,

1 Steem = Rp 3,160 as of July 2, 2024


May success always be with you!

 25 days ago 

Thank you brother, success for both of us!

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