"My reaction after being accused".

in Hot News Community5 hours ago

Hello Steemians, I am so delighted to participate in this beautiful contest in the Hot News Community by @saintkelvin17, thank you so much sir for this amazing contest and it is my pleasure to drop my entry and I do hope that you all enjoy my post.

Thank you all, I love❤ you guys so much.

Explain the accusation in your understanding.



Accusation simply refers to blaming someone for wrongdoing. It is a claim that someone has done something wrong.

Sometimes, when accusations are laid on someone, it doesn't prove that the accused person is guilty until an investigation is carried out with facts and proof gathered with conviction that the accused person is guilty because sometimes, a person can be accused of a certain crime that he or she knows nothing about.

Tell us a situation whereby you were accused of something and how you felt.



I was a victim of an accusation, the last year 2023, my uncle sent me to buy fish for him on the main road, so I went and bought the fish, when I reached home to give him the fish, I went straight to his room but it was very unfortunate for me that he was not in the room not knowing that immediately he left the room someone came into his room and stole 50,000nairasa.

So I waited for him to come so that I could give him the fish and when he came, I gave him the fish and left for my home because we both lived in separate homes.

After some minutes, my uncle came to my house and told my mother that his money was missing just within the period that he sent me to buy fish for him, though there were people in the house I was also accused because I went to the house within the time that the money got missed.

Was the truth finally out that you were innocent?



Actually yes, the truth finally revealed that I was innocent. In my culture, there is a robe called ehaa that is used to reveal people who steal and are still denying the ehaa rope will be placed on the person's neck without anyone tying it on the neck, Once it has been placed on the neck and found you guilty, the robe will tie round the person's neck until the person confess before it will untie itself on the neck but if it finds you innocent, it will just remain on your neck without being tie.

The ehaa normally gives time for anyone guilty to confess or else when the time that is given by the ehaa elapses and the guilty person refuses to confess, the ehaa will kill the person.

My uncle brought the native man who is in charge of the ehaa, so there is a boy who stays in the same compound with my uncle, he is also my tribal person, and because he already knows what ehaa means in my culture and he also knows the consequences of his action, immediately he saw the native man with the ehaa, he confesses that he was the one who stole the money.

Is it right to hate those who accuse us unnecessarily?


The truth is that it's so painful when a person accuses you unnecessarily, it brings negative consequences on the accused person thereby spoiling the person's reputation and also deformation of character but it is good to forgive those who accused us unnecessarily for that is what God in heaven wants us to always do. to forgive each other no what

Therefore is not right to hate those who accused us unnecessarily, we should always forgive for God's sake so that he too can forgive us.

We should always forgive those who accused us unnecessarily for the sake of humanity for we don't know tomorrow.

We should always forgive those who accused us unnecessarily because it is just the right thing to do.

Thank you all for your usual support, love, and time that you have dedicated to reading my post. I love you all❤

I want to invite @josepha @ruthjoe and @simonnwigwe

 2 hours ago 

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Moderation note: Wonderful entry ✅

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